After updating to Photolab 5.12 the Nik Collection Plugin Button is gone as well as Export button. Answer: Dock was Hidden

After updating to Photolab Elite 5.12, the Nik Plugin Button is gone as well as the Export button. I have closed and relaunched DxO Photolab as well as restarted my computer several times and that doesn’t help.

I’m running a 2021 Macbook Pro M1 with 16GBs memory.

the nik button… go in setting / general and click display nik button.
maybe the issue you’re having is your bottom bar is gone, you can make it appear again though. go in “view” or click cmd U to dock it.


no problem here (Win 10)

Thanks Mike. I checked and rechecked that display nik button, but, desperately trying to get a project done, I kept trying everything I could think of and comparing it with the upgraded program on another Mac that had no problem. AND finally I found that the dock was merely hidden, just like you suggested. I pushed the window from the bottom edge up and voila, there it was. Whew!

Thank YOU for the help!

you can also click F3 (check symbol multi windows on your keyboard) which shows all open windows and you’ll see the dock (i keep mine floating).

Good idea. Thanks Mike!