Add support for Samyang 12mm f/2.0 in PhotoLab 3

Could you add an Optics Module for the Samyang/Rokinon 12mm f/2.0 lens to PhotoLab 3. I am using this lens on a Sony a6000 mirrorless.

Hello @jf2go,

welcome to DxO forum :slight_smile:

I’ll add this lens to the roadmap.
Please make a request here:


Thanks Marie! I just now completed the submission form for the RK12M-E lens.

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Hello John (@jf2go),


Could you, please, upload 1 image taken with the Rokinon 12mm to under your forum name (instead of the support ticket number) and let me know when ready. As you have a Rokinon and we usually calibrate the Samyang ones I’d like to look if there are differences in Exif and prevent matching issues with optic modules.


Hi Marie,

I just uploaded an image for you - both JPG and ARW. Thank you for looking at creating a module for this lens. Let me know if you need anything else.

Hello John (@jf2go),

thanks for image but I have a bad news, your lens doesn’t pass crucial Exif information to the camera.
Focal length and aperture are equal to 0 and we need them to correct optical defect. And we can’t identify the lens as there is no lensInformation, no lensName, lensID is generic :frowning:

So we can’t do a DxO Optic module for the Rokinon 12mm. I’m sorry but you have to use manual correction.

Old generation of Samyang lenses are like that but since a few years new Samyang lenses pass Exif.


Thanks for checking Marie. Is there any way to specifically select a lens. Since the Rokinon and Samyang are supposed to be the same thing, it would be interesting to see if PhotoLab did the proper correction if I forced it to think it was working with the Samyang 12mm/f2

This ability to select a lense is what many have been asking for. What you need to do is basically why.