My workflow is to do raw culling in Photo Mechanic and then send the “one stars” to a new folder. Then I want to bring those one stars into PM4. When I click on PM4 it often shows the last project that I was working on. I usually close PM4 and then reopen it which takes time. Is there a way to close the old stuff without closing PM4?
If by PM4 you mean PhotoMechanic 4 then you are asking your question in the wrong forum, this is a user forum for DxO products, i.e. PhotoLab, PureRAW and NIK Collection.
There might be users here that know about PhotoMechanic but you should really ask for help about PM here:
I must have been tired when I wrote that. To clarify things. I use Photo Mechanic (PM6 actually) to cull and then Capture One for RAW conversion. I mention this since I figure that the vast majority of DXO Prime Raw 4 users are using Lightroom and Prime Raw 4 as a direct plugin. . So I needed to explain that I wasn’t using a plugin and was bringing images directly into Prime Raw 4 which I (head in ass) wrote as PM4 instead of PR4.
Pure Raw?
In which case, why are you using PureRaw ?
— Or, as a better question; why would you be using Capture One for RAW conversion when you have a better tool, for that purpose, in PureRAW ?
I too use Capture One Pro instead of Lightroom, like so many others who have left Adobe for good, and I too find it odd that 3rd party developers are still only focusing on Adobe products and not adding any integration for the main Adobe competitor app.
John-M said “In which case, why are you using PureRaw?”, well, why on earth not? This seems a somewhat ridiculous reply IMHO
I hope DxO will finally get around to providing plugin support for the likes of Capture One Pro one of these days, but given the lacklusture approach by many to embrace the ever growing LR/PS competition it seems like we could be waiting forever, which is strange given that most Lightroom users are likely to be more than happy with the denoise in LR these days; whereas Capture One Pro denoise is almost prehistoric so DxO’s target audience should perhaps change to reflect the marketplace and demand by the vast amount of Capture One users who’d be more than happy to continue with their platfor if only the PureRAW plugin would be more friendly!
Well, what I read from the context is that John-M suggested using PR/Pure Raw …
DaveG (author), and not John-M (forum member), did correct his initial post and said he uses Photo Mechanic to cull his images and “Capture One for RAW conversion”, which basically almost certainly means he mainly uses CO for his main “editing” application i.e. RAW processing. So basically he wants to use DXO PR4, not PM4 as he incorrectly worded it in the post but later coorrected.
IMO it probably would have been better not to even mentioned Photo Mechanic as this is what seems to be the main confusion, even though he corrected this in his follow up comment.
So yes we are talking about wanting to use PureRAW in addition to the main RAW processing app of choice Capture One (i.e. not PhotoLab) and many of us are in the same position. We prefer Capture One to Adobe Lightroom/Photoshop and also PhotoLab (which is still missing a lot of functionality), but sadly it is not as easy as using PureRaw with Adobe products.
IMHO DxO is overlooking a big marketshare by mainly focusing on Adobe customers with their plugin support instead of offering better plugin support for Capture One users who’ve been desperately screaming for better noise reduction but as it stands are not likely to get it any time soon aparently according to a forum post by their own staff
Perhaps 1/4 million Capture One users isn’t a big enough target for DxO
Yes, I did - and I’m still not understanding why you would be using Capture One for RAW processing if you own a Pure RAW license (??)
I suspect it’s an issue of terminology …
I reckon you’re probably using PR for actual RAW processing (for the process of converting your RAW files to editable images) … and then you’re using Capture One for editing of the resulting image (which, at this stage, is no longer a RAW file).
Your assertion would then make sense.