I’ve been using dxo since version dxo 3.5 (more 10 years old) and I’ve always loved this famous tool !
It would be great to improve mask selection (for local settings). Better automatic selection. i search a lot how to, but automatic mask have limitations on dxo. We need better boundary selection.
if you can add more options / improves (for create a mask with more options boundary).
Instantly select complex background.
it is possible because you can find tools on internet (online or on-promise) for remove background with really perfect result.
one click, fews settings and perfect results with hair boundary.
it will be very fine to have same for local settings on dxo.
i dont want to remove backgroup, but better selection for settings application. offers a lot of possibilities
Yes this kind. Your example works fine (good result).
But i try same without a good result with more difficult subject.
If you have a lots of humans on pictures. Also try with hairs (for me select is not good wit hair).
Some features are good but i think can be improve again, more usable (with add, substract, merge, magic wand, backgroup detect …).
I would like to give a name of a software dedicated to this (with amazing result), but I don’t think it’s possible here…
Type background remover on search engine.
one click => remove background perfectly.
Same idea for dxo but for select and apply local settings on dxo.
It makes sense in dxo (and i think easy for dxo expert).
John, that’s not a fair example! I mean, that background is practically a greenscreen.
I got onto control points via Capture NX2 and my experience is that the implementation in PhotoLab is not nearly as good. The selection is simply not clearly defined enough.
This problem leaves the PL control points almost useless to me in many cases and I find myself using them less and less. Sometime I revert to using Capture NX2.
I’ve made this comment elsewhere here before. These screenshots show where I have the mask / selection shown. The left monitor shows PL and I have the same image open in Capture NX2 on the right with the same selections points at the same size and in the same position. The first one only has one selection point in the shadow. Notice how much less defined the selection of the shadows is in PL.
In the second example I have a control point on the highlights and one of those negative ones on the shadows. Notice how poorly selected the shadows are. You can see a dark area around the negative selection point whereas in Capture NX2 you wouldn’t be able to tell where that second control point is if it weren’t for the marker.