A little improvement in the Local Adjustments UI

I use masks and very often I duplicate them since I invert them as well. I believe it would be nice to be able to reset all the sliders of the newly created mask without having to set on “0” every single slider that was previously touched.

Another big wish is the improvement of the Crop Tools. Indeed, to rotate a crop is a nightmare and an icon left right to reverse the aspect ratio like photoshop it would be amazing. Right now cropping operations are the worse experience I heave ever had with any image editing software and if I were DXO I would simply work on it right away to improve speed and easyness of use.

Thank you for your attention.

Hi, Giangi. You’ve provided a couple of good feature requests - but they are two different requests. Please create a second “Feature requests” topic for the Crop aspect ratio reversal idea so that it can be voted for separately.

Also, don’t forget to vote for your own requests! To do that, click on the Vote button next to the topic title.

You should not be adding two unrelated feature requests in the same post. I am inclined to vote for the local mask reset tool but less interested in the crop enhancement. Since they are both in the same request I can’t vote for one without voting for both. Secondly, you have not voted for your own request.
