Your DPL database is loading slowly ? This might help

I think I have not been accurate enough. What I have observed after running the Vacuum command is a better performance in the image browser window. Processing performance has not been affected, which is logical.

It seems that PL DB import/export are simple copy operations on the filesystem level,
so they will not defragment the internal DB structure, just the file itself
(which might also help in some very extreme cases ?).

On the other hand, the PL database has the property ‘auto_vacuum’ set to 1 (‘full’).
See Pragma statements supported by SQLite.
Hence the ‘VACUUM’ command (its defragmentation effect) may have some noticeable consequences if the DB is on HDD, but not so for SSD. The comparison should be done just after OS restarts and cleaning the PL cache, otherwise it’s apples and oranges, I think.

Anyway, as was pointed out by @RexBlock, the main time probably goes to rendering.

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