Why have I to close Firefox when installing/updating PureRAW?

[Question already sent to the support team]


I have noticed that when I update or reinstall PureRAW on my PC or my laptop, I’m systematically asked to close Firefox. Why ? I’m curious. I’m using some extensions but I don’t see which one could interfere : Backspace Enabler, Checkmarks, Eversync, LEO Dictionaries, Reverso, uBlock Origin.

Not a big deal and I won’t start a debugging session in order to find what the DPR installer is doing with the Firefox files but I’m wondering what they could have in common.

Do you use an adblocker in FF?


@Pat91 says he uses uBlock Origin, so yes.

However, while I don’t have PureRAW, I’ve never been asked to close FF whenever I’ve updated PL and I too use uBlock Origin.

[Does anybody, anywhere, not use FF + uBlock Origin? :imp: ]

I don’t know uBlock, I use AdBlocker. Some installations don’t work when this one is active. They use some blocked functions. Dont ask me which one.


OK, thanks. I’ll try to disable uBlock when the next DPR update is released.

If you want (trust it), add it to the “exception list”.

What should I add to the “exception list” of uBlock ? dxo.com ? The PureRAW installer is a program. The uBlock exception list can only contain web sites.

What did I miss ?

You may be right.

When I want/need something and uBlock is “in the way”, I click on it to switch it off – if temporarily or registered in a list …

Actually, the DPR installation program contains many links to dxo.com. But I don’t see why it would need access to this site during installation. This only happens when updating/installing DPR. Not for DPL, VP, FP or the Nik Collection.

Well, let’s see the support has to say about this…

Verifying? But that’s not browser related.

I don’t know if this is of help https://ublockorigin.com/
