Where are the lens modules stored and why do I have download them multiple times?

This is why users are intented for.
Having several users …

I agree this way of working.

Are lens profile so heavy ?
I checked my user folders : most modules are about 250ko only one is 4Mo.
I only have one camera and six lens, but 10 lens profile installed in photolab; and this is only 5,77 Mo.

Twenty time would be about 100, 120 Mo.

Is it to much for your drive ?

Not really, it’s a waste of resources anyway.
Zoom lenses can get quite heavy, I think the 10Mo is a module for Fuji hardware.

Good idea :wink:
And still no feedback from the DxO staff :frowning:

That makes sense. Didn’t thought about it. I don’t use zooms.

Yes, I’ve often seen zoom lens profiles at 10MB or more. I’m not positive but I think I have one that was 19MB.

I think I have figured out why we have to download the lens data on folder changes. I’ve used several different Olympus 4/3 cameras over the years and each RAW file is different. The lenses remain the same, but apparently how the data is read in the RAW file needs a lens profile for that RAW version.

Hi Lynn - Welcome to the DxO User forum …

Optics Modules are created for the combination of {Body + Lens} … So, if either of those components are different then a new/unique O-M is required for the new combo.

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