What are the most important improvements for v5?

It is just a general discussion which could lead to new feature requests. Many of the ideas expressed here have not been completely thought out. .One suggestion could spark others and perhaps help to better define a specific request. Like any general thread there is also a tendency to digress from the main topic, and that has happened here.



DxO Team can see what people think is important.
every one has his own “important” list. some of them are “old requests” other are new and or not really detailed out.
It started out as a compile of peoples list of importance and wandered off to a point of pro’s and con’s of features.
As Mark said, it has a tendency to spread like smoke out a chimney.
No problem i hope DxO Staff is watching along and filters there points of interest out the post’s


I agree with this of course, but separate feature request threads are much clearer and you can count votes.

Yes If they have a request which isn’t listed they should make there own. if there is a listed one vote for it.
(These are the fact’s and the vote’s to point out how many it find a good idea)

in here we can debate about what we think is important. free thread which can wander off to any point as long as you be civel and somewhere in the park to play ball.
And indeed use the separate request as voting platform.


If DNG support as input file would allow to use all the tools available for camera-generated RAWs (deep prime, white balance), it would be a major improvement.

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For me the most important missing feature is the softproofing (I think DxO is already working on a print module coming with this feature).

For some photographer having this feature missing is already enough to switch to another software or not choose DxO in the first place.


I guess there should be some kind of shortcut to recovery task, maybe automatic function that can be altered after auto. That procedure Mark describes sounds too convoluted.

Curves tool - there is no points picker - the sliders are fine but to be able to choose points on the tone curve rather than just set black/white points and adjust with gamma slider (keep this) but also add a proper curve points setter like PS, LR, C1, Aperture 3 along with histogram overlay within the tool would make it more useful.

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Hi Stephen: This is not an solution to your request, but a suggestion for a different way of working;

  • I find the Smart Lighting tool - in its Spot Weighted mode (used by placing rectangle[s] over areas of contrast) allows a very visual approach to adjusting tones - and provides a very effective result.

A note from PL’s on-line help: About the Tone curve
Note that you can obtain many of the same results by using the HSL palette or DxO Smart Lighting and Selective tone in the Essential Tools palette.

John M


@SFTphotography & all

Yes, I second that. Missing an ‘integrated’ histogram, a picker/handtool and an indication of input/output values (also could be the elegant version from FilmPack 5)
– see Allow change to histogram & Tone curve backgrounds - #4 by Wolfgang
– see Levels adjustment - #29 by Wolfgang
– see Picker for curves - #9 by Wolfgang
The Tone Curve is THE essential tool.

Of course there are other tools, but why ‘to run around the block’ when there is a direct path …


… because Spot Weighted Smart Lighting allows one to adjust tones visually - with immediate results … rather than guessing via the Tone Curve. (Tho, I accept that’s personal preference).

John M


Hi @John-M,

if the Tone curve tool was not ‘crippled’, like now … :unamused:

One would activate the picker / handtool, go over the pic to the part to be ‘modified’ and simply click & drag (works for any point, for highlights, shadows, mids).
Like this, the Tone curve would be built automatically – no guessing, but easy approach to the tool.



I would add :
9- Compare 2 photographs in fullscreen, not only two version of the same picture
10- Faster duplicate and reparation tools. I work on a 16 core CPU 2.9Ghz, 32 Go RAM and nvidia GTX 2060. It’s still be very slow for 45Mpix RAW ! An standalone application PhotoLab Repare only could be helpfull. I works on panoramas around 100 Mpx to 240 Mpx, Affinity is perfect for that.
11- Constant size for watermarking. Actualy, a crop in 45Mpix (ex : 12 Mpix) and a full size picture don’t have a constant size of the police


Full-screen comparison of two photos, particularly synchronized scrolling of the two when zoomed in, would be tremendously helpful for selecting/rating photos.


12- Indexing my photo hard drive with PhotoLab help me a lot. Thanks for that… I have about 2500 keywords in my LR catalog (cities, monuments, moutains, lakes, huts, ponds, animals, etc…). If PhotoLab could analyse LR Catalogs to import keywords, it would be a good one.

I think DXO staff will say : “What ? Again you !” :upside_down_face:

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The thread is long already, but here’s what I’d like to see in a new release of DPL:

No local adjustment sliders over the preview!

  • The filter functionality that works in the left dock to switch tools off and on could be used to make available the sliders that can be used in the selected LA.
  • For space saving’s sake, I propose that the sliders be located in one tool panel.

A possibility to override automatic module selection

  • Quite a few such comments are out there from different users
  • Automatic selection is fine, iff (if and only if) it’s spot on, or it’s a pain
  • Make DPL more tolerant to less than perfect metadata

Make all files viewable and customisable

  • Make DPL more universally usable
  • Get over the “It must be perfect” paradigm
  • Make DPL less snobbish against “alien” image files

That would also solve the existing problem (for Win10 users) of it NOT being possible to adjust LA slider value with the up/down arrow keys.

John M


I would still really like to see the Nik Collection and Export buttons palatable or someplace in the main interface (at least in the Mac version - not sure what things are like in the Windows version). Often my Catalog viewer isn’t front and center. Since so much is modular, to have the ability to add a palette that contains those buttons to other locations would be really convenient.

Many fine ideas already! I will not repeat too many.
I print, and I use QimageOne specifically for printing.

  • (performance /speed improvement is always welcome (although V4 is much improved over earlier versions)
  • 10 bits support please
  • if possible…soft proofing maybe?
  • ofcourse full support Apple M1 natively


Your #1 request, this is badly needed. It is very difficult to move those sliders, with any precision, with a mouse!

The rest, yes, I agree those improvements are needed as well.

I’m on Windows 10, Ryzen7 processor.