Viewing two separate images

Yes, something like Erol posted. Or something like that:

  1. Assume this is your photo library with 3 images, you want to keep only one from, the best:

  1. So you start with the first photo and tell PL to keep it on screen. The preview area is now split into two:

  1. The user can now select photo 2 or 3, which is then displayed in the free area to the right, while the kept image remains always on the left side of the preview area, as best pick:

  1. If the user now decides that 2 is better than 1, he can make it the new photo to keep on the left side.

Otherwise he selects photo 3 in the film strip and can compare 1 to 3 in the preview area.

This way the user sees always the photo, that he thinks is the best so far and can compare it to the remaining photos, which he has not seen.

Erols image is a good example, which views are expected from modern raw developers. Here is an excerpt from his image:

ok i am convinced and just voted :slightly_smiling_face:
If they can build this feature in quick (like Erols example in view choises) and it don’t slows down (much) the developing path of tool-improvements in DPL bring it on!

You misunderstood me. I didn’t even ask for displaying 2 images side by side. All I was asking for is better caching of development results of the last 2 images (call them A and B), so that when I switch between A and B (e.g. A->B->A->B etc.), PhotoLab doesn’t spend a few seconds each time redrawing them. That’s all.

In ON1 Photo RAW

  1. The images being compared is in the “browser mode” and are not modifiable.
  2. You can switch out to either image.

I hope this answers the question that “uncoy” had.

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Is ability to display & compare only two images at the same time sufficient ?

How about the common approach of bracketing one’s shots - in which case, you’d need to be able to evaluate 3 (or 5, or 7?) shots.

Whenever PL displays an image, it must first process all the corrections, adjustments, filters, etc that we have applied to it - and that takes a significant amount of time to do (which is exactly why some adjustments, such as Prime NR, are NOT included when rendering the on-screen display of an image).

By “a significant amount of time”, I mean enough time that one’s visual memory (or mine, at least !) has forgotten the nuances of the previously displayed image.

All of which means that I simply don’t expect PL to provide me with ability to compare multiple images - - I find it MUCH easier to compare images with FastRawViewer or Irfan … because both of these tools are able to display images so quickly (effectively immediately) that I can simply toggle back-and-forwards thru images to achieve an instant comparison (between JPGs from PL or the original RAW files).

John M

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Every normal RAW conversion tool, that allows fast navigation in its library, has a so called preview cache. On import/indexing and after someone changes the development settings of a RAW, a JPEG is generated in the background and is placed inside this preview cache. When the user navigates inside his library, only the JPEG is loaded from the cache and is displayed to the user. The RAW engine sleeps. It takes milliseconds to load and display these preview JPEGs.

Toggling between images to find the differences makes me nervous, because my eyes loose the orientation all the time, especially if the tool does not preserve the zoom factor and scroll position, while toggling. Or try to compare images which are on position 1 and 100 with toggling.

That’s not the case with FastRawViewer … it’s a true RAW-file viewer (but, it doesn’t have the overhead that PL has to deal with - - in having to first apply all of our corrections, adjustments, filters, etc).

Yes - that’s why I use Irfan for this purpose - it allows scrolling and zoom to be locked.

Both those tools I’ve mentioned are vastly superior to PL for comparing multiple images (IMHO).

Regards, John M

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Nothing is ever “enough”. I’m not sure where such a line of argument is supposed to lead us. You could use it to shoot down every feature request ever asked. “Yeah, now you want X, but it’s not enough and you’ll want Y and Z later. Therefore, no X for you”. It doesn’t make sense to me.

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You are right “nothing is ever enough”. That is why sometimes you have to use two or three different programs. Even with Adobe (which I despise) Lightroom is generally used with Photoshop to provide a final image. DxO Phoro Lab does a lot.
Here is another screen shot of ON1 Photo RAW 2019. You can compare as many images as you want before or after processing them. The images on the screen shot were same image taken with four different lenses to check out sharpness. you can zoom in all images at the same time for comparison.

HI everyone and thanks for your feedback and suggestions.

Point has been taken and we have it in our backlog now.
I’m closing this topic to free votes and make room for other ideas and features need! :slight_smile:

Best regards,

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