Understanding contrast settings (Microcontrast vs. Fine Contrast)

@DocNo That was exactly my finding too. From Photolab’s help on the details:


Enhances or softens very small details. Particularly useful for textured images, or to compensate for a lack of sharpness.


Fine contrast

Enhances or softens medium sized details. Gives a “softer” effect than Microcontrast when pushed to the right, more suited for portraits.

Two things strike me:

  1. Microcontrast appears ‘heavier’ than Fine Contrast and seems to impact medium sized details.

  2. Fine contrast’s description seems contradictory. If it really does impact medium sized details then it should give a “heavier” effect than Microcontrast, where Microcontrast impacts “very small details”.

I think they’ve got it backwards: Microcontrast impacts medium-sized details and Fine contrast impacts very small details.

I find the same conclusion with this edit:

No contrast changes:

Fine Contrast = +80, Microcontrast = 0:

Microcontrast = +80, Fine Contrast = 0

Microcontrast is clearly heavier than Fine Contrast, It’s a minor thing, but I’d suggest changing the “Help” descriptions to describe Microcontrast as impacting mid-sized details and Fine Contrast as fine details.

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