I took SP7pro’s absolute Auto WB, and did a 100% dodgenburn just to see if this would be near “reality”
color temp around 6319, colordeflection 3
camera setting got 4558 and 5.
big difference.
So i took over the wb numbers and did 50% sl on boot and foilage.:
One thing is for sure SL is far more effective.
I think DXO’s would be the base from where i would modify sky and sunset colors with controlpoints. fiddle a bit with exposure.
One thing: Why doesn’t DxO has this kind of “auto colorcast removal WB”
I find this Auto Absolute and Auto Natural WB modes very handy to overcome simple colorcast trouble’s and bring me to a neutralbase.
coming back to Time and Date WB calculation: bringing in the suncalender with time of sundown and horizon would give the camera a sense of colorcasting by atmosfeer due highed of sun against the horizon. (probably too much other influences to use.)