Transferring Keywords from Mac to Windows

On Mac, can have DPL index the complete archive while I can still edit away happily with my images. The progress bar makes its journey too, bouncing from lft to right and back until finished.

As long as all images have their metadata in themselves or sidecars, all keywords will be imported. Boring…but another workaround.

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This indexing is not bad at all if you have a reasonably fast computer. After all, I have just made it once in 1 1/2 year. Is that anything to lay sleepless over?? After all, this is not anything you do frequently if you don´t mess up your index by being unthoughtful or careless.

@platypus we do get this on PL6
but just a blue line sliding across and across and across the screen continuously giving no indication of progress whatsoever.

But all that vanished on PL7 so they effectively destroyed the one feature that would have made DxPL useful as a search engine, unless you set it running late at night and see how it is doing the following day, except that there isn’t really anyway of knowing how much has been done or how much is left!?

There never was an indication of progress but at least editing was possible at the same time but not anymore. A few of us complained profusely as soon as we saw what had happened but DxO never responded, never explained what the original aim was and we are left with a much less useful feature.

@Stenis the destruction of the original feature was “wanton vandalism” and/or the worst example of software mis-engineering I have seen in years.

You may only index infrequently but I prefer to do it as I go and not have to wait for the operation to complete when I didn’t have to wait before.

What I lay “sleepless” over is the question that if software engineers can make such a hash of that what next!

As for the infrequency that depends on how you do your indexing, given that just opening a directory will automatically index that directory anyway.

PS:- you are arguably putting the “blame” on the user who doesn’t have a reasonable fast machine, they didn’t need one before but after this particular “update” they might do now, if they actually use searching at all!?

Bryan, of course it isn´t good at all that the indexing doesn´t have a progress indicator but I seem to be kind of used to it. I realized that even PhotoMechanic lacks one for the indexing when using “Scan to catalog”. It is really hard to figure out even how long time will have to wait despite there is live info about number of “Metadata Updates” and “Image Previews” waiting. There isn´t a progress bar there either.

In fact I have done I huge maintenance job implementing a new two level keyword structure in PhotoMechanic (on a flat keyword structure) by batching the whole database with the top level kewords over and over again with the help of Metadata Templates. The result has taken my system to a whole new level when searching it. So I have reindexed my folder structure both in PhotoMechanic and Photolab - but still I refuse to use structured hierarchic keywords in PhotoMechanic since they are much more inefficient to apply and maintain.

I deleted even the old Photolab-database since I wanted a fresh database without any “orhans” and other obstacles but it might even be the case that it shouldn´t be necessary if Photolab is in “synch”-mode. Normally all changes I use to do in the metadata with PhotoMechanic instantly gets propagated to Photolab.

The real problem here is that DXO is ghosting its users. That is a real problem! After indexing a few times we learn about how long it will take - problem solved. This insn´t something that keeps me awake at night.

@Stenis It doesn’t keep me awake but I ran tests on the Beta Release and saw something that shouldn’t have been there and that DxO then denied.

I believe that the issue came about because someone in DxO had a “cunning plan” which turned out to be far from cunning and not much of a plan if truth be told and destroyed a working feature in the process.

So a working feature that offered asynchronous (background) indexing alongside editing vanished for no good reason, as far as I can tell.

On slower machines indexing may put PhotoLab offline for a considerable period of time while indexing and on faster machines that could cope with both (indexing and editing) with ease, well they can’t because someone re-wrote the code and indexing is now a foreground process!

Seems to be not the case with PhotoLab on macOS.

@platypus I had realised that from your previous response in Transferring Keywords from Mac to Windows - #21 by platypus so I am sorry that I didn’t state that the indexing feature changed from a background task on PL6 to a foreground task on PL7 on Windows but remains a background task on the Mac (I presume that “remains” is correct and DxPL(Mac) didn’t go from foreground to background going from PL6 to PL7!?)

If I remember correctly, it never was a foreground only task, but I’d have to check that for a definitive answer :smirk:

@platypus Thanks for the update. I was more interested in whether we had the ultimate irony that DxPL(Win) lost background indexing at the same time that DxPL(Mac) acquired it!!

Nevertheless, if DxPL(Win) has had the capability for as long as I can remember, DxPL(Mac) has had the capability for as long as you can remember why did DxO consider it acceptable to remove the capability from DxPL(Win)?

Particularly when it was spotted as soon as it was released in Beta testing which was some 6 months + before PL7 was released. No reason for the change was ever given and no attempt to revert was made as far as I can tell, i.e. users are expected to “like it or lump it” as an old English expression goes!

The removal of the Beta Test forum prevents those who have signed the NDA from discussing Beta Test issues, past or present in the special Forum restricted to those who have signed such an agreement as well as “hiding” all the details and issues raised during the various Beta Tests.

What a gagging order that is!

Don’t respond to that last part, I believe you value your involvement with Beta Testing.

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Look at this @BHAYT and @platypus Platypus

Yesterday I had problems with PhotoMechanic I first couldn´t see any solution for.
I wrote to CameraBits Support on CameraBits Forum “Yesterday** at 03:09:42 PM”

33 minutes later their staff replied “Yesterday** at 03:42:00 PM”

This isn´t the first time I have asked for help and usually they are extremely quick to listen and help. Maybee it is because PhotoMechanic is the industry standard metadata and workflow tool among sport journalist and event photographers. People working under extreme pressure with tight dead lines. Unlike some software companies they don´t charge you for it either. I think they are outstanding together with Hamrich Software that manufactures Vuescan software for scanners. They are truly fantastic in their customer support.

@Stenis What took them so long?

Many of the smaller companies are keen and proud to be able to react quickly, either to bugs or suggestions for new or updated features.

Maybe there was some people before him in the queue to their toilet. :slight_smile: