Title metadata

Hello everyone,
I read some old posts about requesting title and description metadata to Photolab, and I’m wondering if after this years is there a way to update this metadata fields inside photolab.
Currently I’m able to see the IPTC -Content - Description and 'm able to add a value, but I would like to know if there is some way to update the Title tag inside photolab 8. I use to upload my photos to flickr app and flickr reads the Title and Description to fill out this information to the posted picture.
It would be nice that I could edit my photo with photolab, including updating the title and subtitle, export it and then smootly can be uploaded to flickr without having to type manually this information there.
Does anyone knows if there is a way to do this using photolab 8?

Deleting and adding again. But be careful with structured data.


Hi George, thanks for answering.
What do I need to delete and add again?

I thought you meant the keywords.
