Suggestion for Keywording improvement

An alternative with an equally short answer might be to name an integrated product that has a good DAM. Compatible with Photo Supreme / iMatch / Daminion.

Personally I’d rather choose a ‘best of breed’ approach, using DxO’s high quality processing software + separate highly functional DAM (Photo Supreme in my case).

My own concern was (and is) that DxO’s time and cash will be spent in adding mediocre DAM features, with constant requests for further enhancements, rather than concentrating on adding enhanced image processing functions. Which, in some cases, we’ve been waiting for for years.

It might be interesting to read some of the other arguments from when the topic was first raised - for example here.

I hope that was the right call, and that the expanded user base at least covers the costs.

Hence the need for DxO to maintain a distinct USP. Unless there’s enough cash to be able to out-compete Lightroom across the board, feature-for-feature.