Some Flowers

I just read this: “Welcome to the DxO PhotoLab forum! In this section, share your … and photos processed using DxO PhotoLab.

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@anon78744791 You will have seen my comments to the post PhotoLab 7.1 Bugs - #6 by BHAYT
Does this qualify as a candidate for both?

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Going by percentage of content, then I’d say it fits the title here :smiley: But not for me to decide anyway, I just started this thread. Thank you for posting a photo.

Thanks, I’d not noticed that invitation before either.

Here’s some frosted flowers:


Those are beautiful.


Not sure if it is a bug or a feature.


Definitely a feature in my opinion. Perhaps because I’ve got a very similar shot:

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My bug is elsewhere. Pretty little flowers:

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and some pretty big flowers:

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Dear DxO!
Oops, sorry for the exclamation mark!
The following photo, which was processed by Capture NX 2.1.1 at 2009,
taken with D700 f/10 @70mm, has clearly too shallow DOF.
Dear DxO, can you fix it?
Just to be sure, :wink:

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This group is, for the majority not responded to by DxO.

But, in a word, no. Depth of field is a physical property that depends on the lens, the aperture, the distance to subject, etc.

You can try sharpening but that will only tend to over sharpen some areas and leave artefacts. There is always Topaz Photo AI, which can sharpen selectively but, next time, you really need to use manual focus, measure your distances and work out where the DoF starts and ends and where to place the point of critical focus - before pressing the shutter.

Using a reliable DoF calculator would show you that, with the lens you were using, even at f/14, you would only have acceptable sharpness from 2.5m to 3.7m if you focused at 3m.

One way of helping with this kind of shot is to use a shorter focal length from closer.

A 50mm lens, focused at 3m, would give you from 2.2m to 5m and a 35mm lens would give you from 1.7m to 15m.

Ok, sicher ist sicher, it was meant to be a joke.

Ah! And I fell for it. How stupid was that? :crazy_face:

You are just automatically trying to help the people, which is great.


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First flower of the year, taken a few weeks ago.