Some basic functions missing

Frankly, I think this topic is way too broad and unrealistic for voting to be effective. Fortunately, it’s easily reduced. First, we’ve already had numerous voting topics for adding watermarks - it’s now in the backlog, so no need to address it again:

Next, what do you mean by embedding Nik into PhotoLab? It’s already done to some extent, and the overlap in functionality with the rest makes any proposal to merge the software very confusing. The more specific one can be about what one wants to see, the better.

HDR is already covered here: HDR feature

Pano-stitching: discussed in the HDR thread and in many others, but I don’t see a separate votable topic for it. If you want this, what are your requirements?

My own opinions:

HDR is already provided in the Nik Collection and is done well by other dedicated software tools costing about as much as the entire Nik Collection. I’m concerned that embedding this into PhotoLab will be costly and not very productive, considering everyone has widely varying tastes and requirements concerning HDR, tonemapping, and exposure blending.

Pano-stitching: Some tools that do this really well cost a fortune; others like ICE or Hugin are free and very popular. How can DxO compete with either? And why must this functionality be bundled into a RAW developer? At some point, software becomes too bloated, expensive, and unmanageable due to too many features. I actually like having some separation in my workflow for complex processes like this.

Watermarking is something I’m looking forward to. I’m glad DxO is working on it and hope it will be flexible and capable. I wish it was already in PhotoLab 3.