Saving single panel preset (Partial Preset)

Okay, I adjusted the image to beautiful colors and want to save the HSL or Tone Curve setting for later use (ONLY ONE panel setting). To do this, I save the preset using “New preset from current setting”, but all the settings are saved and I only need to set up one panel. So I edit this preset with “Edit”. And this is where the fun begins … I need to undo 35 panels that I do not need to save in this preset. More than 35 mouse clicks to save a ONE panel setting. Are you seriously? maybe you just forgot to add “Check none” in the preset editor? Or is there an easier way to do this?

You select the “No correction” preset and you change the one you want before making a backup.


If I select “No correction” preset, all my settings are reset. I do not want it. I have already set up the image. How do I save only HSL and tone curve settings? And then when using this preset, change only HSL and curves

This does not work. If you apply “No correction” preset and then insert only the necessary settings and save the preset, then the next time you apply this preset, the necessary settings will be inserted and other settings will be disabled, but I do not need other settings to be disabled, I need HSL and Curves to be inserted when using the preset, and other settings remained as they were

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yes, no workaround.

I made a palette with all (all!) tools in it, which makes clicking easier, because every field is in a single column…

How about;
Image>copy correction settings.
Go to an image with no corrections applied.
Then Image>Paste selected corrections.
Select only the corrections for the new preset.
Then paste.
Created a preset from that image.

This does not work. If you apply “No correction” preset and then insert only the necessary settings and save the preset, then the next time you apply this preset, the necessary settings will be inserted and OTHER SETTINGS WILL BE DISABLED, but I do not need other settings to be disabled, I need HSL and Curves to be inserted when using the preset, and other settings remained as they were

No need to apply a no corrections preset.
Use an image that has not been corrected yet.

Then Image>Paste Selected Corrections.
Uncheck all.
Select only the corrections for the new preset.
Then paste.
Created a preset from that image.

This does not work. If you apply this preset, the necessary settings will be inserted and OTHER SETTINGS WILL BE DISABLED, but I do not need other settings to be disabled, I need HSL and Curves to be inserted when using the preset, and other settings remained as they were

I can’t tell who you are replying to but,
When I follow my steps I can create a preset with one HSL adjustment,
apply it to an image and nothing else is disabled.

( for some reason the forum system is removing quoted text on my end)

This does not work. Just try this. But before using the preset, change some other setting in the image for which you are using the preset, and when you use it - this setting will be disabled

I see what you are saying.
When applying the single palette setting, the other adjustments revert to zero.
My confusion is the word “disabled” which I interpret as meaning unusable.

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Sorry, probably more appropriate word “deactivated”

I am not at my computer so cannot verify but I am sure you can create a partial preset and only select the settings you want to save in the preset, then when you apply it to a photo only the selected settings are applied and other remain as they were.

Yes, I can create a partial preset, but I need to undo 35 panels that I do not need to save in this preset. More than 35 mouse clicks to save a ONE panel setting. I wrote about this in the first post

Ok, did not read OP properly! What about creating a virtual copy and then press Reset on the VC. Copy and paste just your single setting to the VC then create a Partial Preset from the VC. Make sure the preset is a partial preset. Partial presets will not turn settings off and will only adjust the setting in the partial preset.

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You beat me to it. That’s what I was going to suggest although his intent is still not entirely clear to me. Perhaps instead of a reset which sets things back to the default preset, he should consider applying the no corrections preset before copying and pasting only the corrections he wants from the master copy. :grinning:


But there is no “create partial preset” button. Only “New preset from current setting” and it create a FULL preset.

Partial presets are mentioned here starting at post 39 but the explanations are not clear to me.
Partial presets are also referenced on page 96 of the PL5 manual.

Yes indeed I just tried and I do not see a difference between the full or partial presets