Saving single panel preset (Partial Preset)

I am not at my computer so cannot verify but I am sure you can create a partial preset and only select the settings you want to save in the preset, then when you apply it to a photo only the selected settings are applied and other remain as they were.

Yes, I can create a partial preset, but I need to undo 35 panels that I do not need to save in this preset. More than 35 mouse clicks to save a ONE panel setting. I wrote about this in the first post

Ok, did not read OP properly! What about creating a virtual copy and then press Reset on the VC. Copy and paste just your single setting to the VC then create a Partial Preset from the VC. Make sure the preset is a partial preset. Partial presets will not turn settings off and will only adjust the setting in the partial preset.

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You beat me to it. That’s what I was going to suggest although his intent is still not entirely clear to me. Perhaps instead of a reset which sets things back to the default preset, he should consider applying the no corrections preset before copying and pasting only the corrections he wants from the master copy. :grinning:


But there is no “create partial preset” button. Only “New preset from current setting” and it create a FULL preset.

Partial presets are mentioned here starting at post 39 but the explanations are not clear to me.
Partial presets are also referenced on page 96 of the PL5 manual.

Yes indeed I just tried and I do not see a difference between the full or partial presets

Alex, I think you have to edit your preset and turn off what you don’t want and then save. That makes a partial preset. I remember being a bit confused at first but it has been a while since I did it so my memory is a bit scratchy.

It’s ok, for a partial setting, you have to create the new preset and then edit and uncheck the settings that you do not want to apply and save.

I wrote about this in the first post. I can create a partial preset, but I need to undo 35 panels that I do not need to save in this preset. More than 35 mouse clicks to save a ONE panel setting. And this is the problem due to which this topic was created.

I don’t think it’s ok. I think it’s called BAD user experience design.

You can create an empty preset and add the functions you want.

How to add the necessary settings (which is already set up) to an empty preset? (answer: no way)

You note the values ​​obtained and modify in an empty preset.

So you have 2 solutions and none suits you:

  • create a preset from an existing one and delete what you don’t want to keep.
  • create an empty preset and add what you want.

An idea, have the possibility to right click on a palette and creating a preset with that or adding or modifying a value an existing preset.

No, this misleading description is not correct and is not a solution, because it is impossible to add anything to an empty preset, in an empty preset you can start development again from zero values, but it is impossible to paste already developed settings into an empty preset.

I see the problem.
Take a look on the second part of this page.
“The application of a preset makes sense when opening a series of photos…”


  1. Select the image with the panel setting you want to make into a preset

  2. Create a virtual copy of that image

  3. Select the virtual copy and apply the “No Corrections” preset

  4. Reselect the “source” image and copy adjustments

    Capture d’écran 2021-11-27 à 16.11.40

  5. Paste selected corrections into the virtual copy

    Capture d’écran 2021-11-27 à 16.12.29

    When the selection dialog appears…

    … deselect all…

    … then reselect the one that you want to make a preset from…

    … and paste…

Finally, create a preset from the from the virtual copy

This does not work. If you apply this preset, the necessary settings will be inserted and OTHER SETTINGS WILL BE DEACTIVATED, but I do not need other settings to be deactivated, I need HSL and Curves to be inserted when using the preset, and other settings remained as they were.
Just try this. But before using the preset, change some other setting in the image for which you are using the preset, and when you use it - this setting will be deactivated

You are absolutely right. My bad.

In that case, how about creating a feature request for a menu item that creates, not a full preset from the current image, not an empty preset, but a partial preset from the current image?

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Your tutorial describes how to create a partial preset, but does not solve the problem that caused this topic to be created. The first post on this topic describes the creation of a partial preset and describes the problem that arises with this: I can create a partial preset, but I need to undo 35 panels that I do not need to save in this preset. More than 35 mouse clicks to save a ONE panel setting.
Creating an empty preset also does not solve the problem, because it is impossible to add anything to an empty preset, in an empty preset you can start development again from zero values, but it is impossible to paste already developed settings into an empty preset.

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