Probable colormanagement bug in PL6

Agreed – when compared to the generic camera profile, the generic Neutral color rendering is subdued but NOT flat. In PL5 (and now PL6 CL) some users much prefer the CL Neutral color rendering (formerly neutral color, realistic tonality, gamma 2.2) which provided the flattest and darkest rendering of all the generic color renderings. There is not a similar rendering in PL6 WG at present, and there is some unhappiness about this. I expect we’ll see additional generic renderings added including at least one that will provide a flatter and darker rendering. In the meantime, Joanna, for example, has been using the Adobe DCP renderings for the Flat “Picture Control” to help give a more neutral starting point. I have even been dabbling with camera-specific “linear” DCP profiles for that purpose: see Camera-specific Linear Profiles