This is not about editing but maybe some will find it interesting, if not already known and explained elsewhere.
I tried RGB and Luma “spike curves” on the 16 million colors 8-bit and 16-bit TIFFs, attached.
The experiments with these presets and Working Color Space choices make me scratch my head…
As a side remark: I wanted to add (99,0), (100,255), (101,0), (255,0) points but for RGB channel it wouldn’t let me add (101,0), so I used (102,0) instead. Looks like yet another minor bug.
You may also play with the gamma presets attached. They are all “full presets” in terms of tone curves.
Gamma_V0.50_L2.0.preset (577 Bytes)
Gamma_V2.0_L0.5.preset (576 Bytes)
Spike_L100.preset (624 Bytes)
Spike_V100.preset (647 Bytes)
16m8b_rgb.tiff (1.4 MB)
16m16b_rgb.tiff (2.7 MB)