PL6 DNG export options

(Coming (back) from this thread here: DXO PL6 wrong color in the DNG exported to LR - #13 by Photo-DKO )

Ok, We should be able to have control over this.
After one more day of exprimenting, I came to the conclusion this is very camera-dependant: the explanations given above confirm this. Some brands are very affected, others less so. Fujifilm X-Trans sensors are VERY affected: without the Camera Profile the rendering is unusable. This explains perhaps why some users don’t seem to get the point: their cameras might be less affected than others. In Lightroom we cannot apply a Default Camera Profile separately from the curveSo we’re experiencing Adobe Color’s curve (or whatever else we choose but none are meant for this purpose and Adobe Color is defined in the EXIF as default for the DNG’s and the result is awful) on top of what we exported. DxO should give us an option to keep or not to keep the Camera Default profile when exporting to DNG “All corrections applied”.

OTOH, in Capture One, we can select the camera’s ICC profile separately from the curve, so for a DNG “Aca” exported from DPL, when I select my camera body’s ICC and choose any Fuji profile for the curve, the DNG from DxO renders perfectly fine.

So please DxO, do us a favor and add this as an export option.

(And yes, I know I could work on tiffs, but I do a lot (a major part) of nightscenes and I have much less wiggle room for the highlights with tiffs than with raws or DxO DNG’s, I tested this a lot and it’s not satisfactory).