It seems we were not clear enough. Apologies for that.
«All corrections» (PL5) or «All corrections except Color Rendering» (PL6) do the same thing.
Nothing has changed except the naming.
@platypus and @LexB
If you export a DNG using PhotoLab and you open that DNG in PhotoLab, you shouldn’t see a difference. So, what you see in your examples is correct: #2 should match #3 and #4.
Only when you export a DNG using PhotoLab’s «All corrections» (PL5) or «All corrections except Color Rendering» (PL6) (as mentioned, they do the same thing, nothing has changed except the naming), and you open the exported DNG in another software, you won’t see what you see in PhotoLab.
For instance, see the image attached, where you can see the same exported DNG image in Lightroon (on the left) and in PhotoLab (on the right). I hope you are able to see that the colors are different. This is because the default color rendering applied by LR is different than that of PhotoLab.
Exporting a Linear TIF with the requirements you mentioned is not currently supported in PhotoLab.
The closest PhotoLab can do is exporting a Linear DNG in which a Raw image is demosaiced, and noise-reduction and optical corrections are applied.
Furthermore, there is a fundamental difference between the Linear DNG and the Linear TIF.
The color space of this Linear DNG is the color space of the camera sensor; while in your case, because of applying the CCM, the Linear TIF you need will be in a known color space (e.g., the working color space of PhotoLab, or it could be converted to a standard like sRGB, AdobeRGB, Rec2020, etc.).
If this is what you indeed need, we invite you to open a topic in the «Which feature do you need?» forum, along with some more details as to why the Linear DNG export is not good enough:
From what we understand, Export DNG in PL6 is working as intended, and it works exactly the same as in PL5. If you experience something differnt, please open a support ticket with detailed information, Screnshots and sample files.