Let me try to explain what the option «All corrections expect Color Rendering » does:
The export option known in PhotoLab 5 as «All corrections applied » has been renames to «All corrections except Color Rendering» in PhotoLab 6 as we thought it better describes what it does. There is no change in the behaviour.
When Exporting a DNG using «All corrections except Color Rendering», the default color rendering of the camera (DxO Camera Profile) is removed in order to keep the exported image in the camera’s linear sensor color space.
When you open the exported LinearDNG in software other than PhotoLab, the default color rendering of that software is applied to the LinearDNG, in order to convert the image from the sensor color space to the software’s working color space. Because the default color rendering of PhotoLab is different from the default color rendering of others (e.g., Adobe Lightroom’s Adobe Color is different from DxO’s Camera Profile), the Previews between PhotoLab and others won’t match.
For that reason, LinearDNGs exported with this Export Preset will only match the Preview when opened in PhotoLab.
If you need to work with LinearDNGs exported from PhotoLab in third-party software, we strongly recommend using the Export DNG (Denoise & Optical corrections only) Preset.
If you are trying to export a LinearDNG with ALL the corrections applied, I personally would export a TIFF in that case.
But please explain, what you are trying to accomplish. Maybe there is another tip for you.