PL6 DNG export options

Example of the type of issue I encounter: I load a raw in PL6, apply a film simulation, export as DNG, and also a copy as tiff. Load both in Lightroom: the tif looks like what I see on screen in PL6, the DNG doesn’t. THis is with the new wide gamut: with the old gamut it’s even worse.

This is exported from the tiff:

and this from the dng:

But this forum doesn’t display the images correctly at all, so you must dowload and use your usual viewer to asses the differences. I just can’t believe it that a company like DxO has a forum that doesn’t colormanage correctly. (Only photography-related forum I ever saw that has issues with color rendering!)

the forum is running browser based, and at the moment I’m not sure if all browsers are running with colormanagement. For the older firefox versions you have to activate color management with about:config take a look here Colour Management Problem with Firefox

best regards

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Thanks, but sorry, I’ve been doing this for ages and have no issue with colormanagement in my browsers on any other photography website. My Firefox has full colormanagement enabled (and is up to date), and so is Chrome. This forum software just seems to strip off any colorspace information.

You can also download the images from my personal server:

The tif version:

The dng version:

Dear Dirk,

no problem I believe you. I made this answer only because lot of people don’t know about this settings

have fun



In a way thats expected right ?

Lightroom is seeing the DNG as a raw from your camera , and is applying it’s own color correction and the default tone curve to the data.

Telling Adobe ACR / Lightroom to not actually touch the data or apply hidden default settings is a touch thing to do.

As usual, unfortunately, DxO hasn’t finished rewriting the user guide. The current user guide for PhotoLab 6 is outdated when it comes to the linear DNG export options:

Exporting images – PhotoLab Guidelines (

I think we can assume that the “Export to DNG (Denoise and optical corrections only)” option is unchanged. The only other option makes it clear that when applying all corrections the Color Rendering options are never applied. Reading DxO’s documentation on linear DNG workflows (including the PL6 user guide - see for example #10 on the page I linked to), I get the impression that the new exclusion of color rendering is to ensure that nothing non-linear is written to the linear DNG output. So no color space info, no color profiles…

People were having problems with using PhotoLab 5’s linear DNG output in Adobe software. For example:

Maybe this is a correction. Would be nice to hear from DxO about this, but maybe this helps in the meantime?

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Well, it actually includes the filmsims we apply in PL6, which are part of the “color rendering”. So that’s not what this is about…

It’s with regard to the new color workspace, not things like overlaying film type presets or other settings which affect color.


If so, it would have been great if the new workspace was Prophoto instead of some propriétary thing. Anyway, the result is that if we open a raw in PL6, apply a filmsim, export as DNG to Lightroom we get something else than intended and I have no clue how to tell Lightroom or CaptureOne to display it correctly. It’s basically a lottery: unpredictable, sometimes we get happy accidents but it’s frustration most of the time.

I know some will now try to convince me (once more) that I don’t need Lightroom when I have PL 1/2/3/4/5/6 but please don’t, you’re not going to talk me out of it :wink: and editing an exported .tiff is nowhere near editing a DNG.


check here → Brand New DxO PhotoLab 6 Feature Review - YouTube
At 3:22 Robin Whalley shows the usual horseshoe w/ DxO’s Wide Gamut WCS.

I have no intention of trying to convince you of anything. Use whichever software or software combination you prefer. I was just responding to your comment.


I didn’t direct this towards anyone in particular.

I assumed that. But since you mentioned it in a post just following my own, I felt obliged to mention it…


PhotoLab exports linear DNGs. My understanding is that these don’t have color space info written to them - at least, not in PL6. So it shouldn’t matter what the DxO Wide Gamut working color space is - just that it’s wide enough to preserve the camera’s native color space rather well. If the RAW color data was pushed/transformed into a different color space, then the data wouldn’t be linear anymore, right? (If I’m misunderstanding, please explain. Thanks.)

Linear-DNG - DxO


Do you know if the color correction matrix is applied by Photolab when exporting a linear DNG?

What an excellent write up, thank you

From my reading of the (truly enlightening !) article referred to by Egregious (see link above), my understanding is; No.

John M

It never was (as it should be). Selecting the wide gamut option does weird things though, causing really different colors / look when loading in a program that tries to apply their own matrix and/or camera profile (like lightroom or darktable)

Thank you John.

I’ve read it too. But I’m still confused, because this article doesn’t mention the color correction matrix at all.

I’m not an expert, but am trying to understand the pipeline of processing the RAW-data. And my understanding is that there is a color correction matrix (CCM) somewhere in the linear phase and before applying the tone response curve(TRC) / gamma of the color space (non-linear).

This CCM is sensor / camera specific and dependent of the spectral response of the Bayer-array. And should be applied for getting the correct / natural colors.

For my everyday images I use PLa and assume that PL will take care of applying the CCM somewhere in the processing pipeline.

However I also do astro-photography and this kind of imaging can benefit of processing (stacking, removing light pollution and stretching) with data in a linear state as long as possible. And I do want to use the demosaicing and noise reduction of PL.

I also want to achieve natural colors in my workflow and applying the CCM is essential.

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It never was (as it should be).

How do you know it never was?

when loading in a program that tries to apply their own matrix and/or camera profile (like lightroom or darktable)

Maybe the CCM is applied twice and Lightroom / Darktable shouldn’t apply it?