PL5 Searching doesn't work properly for all keywords in an hierarchy - only for "Selected" keywords

Dear testers,

After internal discussion, here are the actions we will work on for a future version (PL 6.0.X).

1/ Preference to apply all KW hierarchy to an image or just the selected child
We will add a preference to apply all KW hierarchy or just the selected one, this preference will be added in the Preferences menu.

2/ Compatibility mode
We will add a preference to add the keywords hierarchy in “DC subject”

3/ Option to search for whole KW hierarchy or just selected KW
We will add an option to choose whether to search the whole KW hierarchy or just the selected one (via contextual menu on the token or option button in search field with list of options, this is work in progress)

These additional developements will be planned for a release close to the PL6.0 launch.

We hope this will suit you and will answer positively to the majority of questions here.

Best regards,

cc @sgospodarenko @CaptainPO @kettch @alex @Marie