PL5 keywords, one step closer, many steps still to go

As a programmer I find this unsettling. The ungulate keyword is fully specified in a hierarchy by means of animal|mammal|ungulate|giraffe. The Subject field has the job of noting all of the points on the path in their own right, so the hierarchical subject need not over-specify things in this case. I get that working groups are there to establish standards but the LrC team also clearly does not agree with this either.

Regarding Orange appearing three times, it could be argued that is OK if it is shown in each of the three contexts. In LrC, when there is such a clash, it shows e.g. Orange < Colour in the keyword box and not just Orange even though Orange is what’s written to the Subject field. In other words it tells you what you need to know to understand exactly what keywords you have applied and no more.

I get the people who say “don’t just make it another Lightroom” but in this one area I really think it has to be, or it should be wound back to basic, non-hierarchical keywords.

I didn’t even mention above the other missing features that I rely on in LrC. Namely synonyms and non-exporting keywords.

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