PL5 Adds Legacy (i.e., obsolete) IPTC Metadata



I understand your requests for a “straight” pass through of metadata except for the fact that in my post PL 5 Keywords Handling: Output Files - #9 by BHAYT I raise the issue that I cannot replicate your evidence in the tests I did earlier today.

I just cleared the IMatch database and reran the addition of keywords to a RAW photo and this time I got yet another variant on possible combinations, i.e.

Added another RAW and assigned the keywords in IMatch but with the ‘Write path elements’ set and got what I expected. Putting both through PL5.1.3 did not produce any extraneous keywords in the ‘hr’ group.

In the test that I did where I stated that I was confused, IMatch inserted the additional keys automatically, I did not enter any flat keys but IMatch did seem to be “second guessing” me as I entered the keywords!?