PL5.2.0.4730 Conflict Resolution only detects externally generated conflicts

Brian, thanks very much for your kind offer to help with my IMatch setup. My present Photo Supreme configuration is very simple and I’m using it at a Flat Database (non-hierarchal). Since I planned from the time I purchased it to later switch to Imatch I have spent little time doing much with it other than entering keywords. At that time my PC was too old to run IMatch. I have just completed building a good photo editing PC (Ryzen 5900x & soon a 3070TI GPU).

At this point I have installed PL5 but have not put any of my RAW photos on the PC. There is another issue of concern and I made a post about it Once I get an answer from my DXO Support Request and can feel more comfortable with the issues in both threads I will hopefully be able to put my RAW’s on the new PC.

As you can tell I’m a ways off from getting involved in any database work because I need to first get the PL5 issues settled. Once that happens I will probably buy Imatch and start setting it up as best I see fil which will probably be more complex than my PS presently is. So thanks again for your offer of help. I’m actually still struggling over the use of Hierarchal keywording or not.

I did check the Photo Supreme Quick Start re your concern of it adding the ‘Miscellaneous’ Category. It seems that it does that because it wants you to always have a ‘Category’. If you don’t enter one with your new Keyword it puts the ‘Miscellaneous’ one there and suggests you later assign the proper one. Thus I doubt that you will be able to set PS to ignore Category when you enter a new Keyword.

From Photo Supreme Quick Start:
“Miscellaneous During import, pre-existing keywords will be read, and Catalog Labels are
created for every keyword. When a keyword can’t be related to an
existing top-level Category, for instance if there is no hierarchical
keyword information, then the keyword will be imported as a Catalog
Label in this Miscellaneous Category. After importing you should then
cleanup this Category by dragging the labels to a better matching
