PL 6 & Olympus EM-1 ii - Color Rendering issues

The so-called Support Team never went away, but their postings of real help for members of this forum were very few and far between. Now with @Cecile-C excellent and HELPFUL response to @cloudiq, I’m hoping that this ridiculous and hurtful to DxO “non- response” policy has finally come to an end.


I am with you and I hope so too!


Thank you so much, Cecile! First, for being so willing to jump in and help with this particular problem (which has long been unaddressed). But also for raising our hopes and expectations for more interaction and better communication in the forum! I’m very happy to do my part as a long-time customer to make this a positive and rewarding experience.


Hi @Cecile-C

Thanks for acknowledging the issue and confirming that you will look into it.
For me, this increases the value of a forum question massively and encourages me to put in the effort of posting again in the future if I am not sure if something is my fault or a genuine issue with the software.

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Also hoping for a new EM1ii profile. My own workaround is the third party ColorFidelity profiles, but they only suit the legacy colour gamut. So nice to hear acknowledgement from DXO that the EM1ii profile is indeed overly saturated; I’ve always found it garish with reddish skin tones, even with ‘saturated colours protected’.
Thank you Cecile. Looking forward to hearing of a resolution for this one.

I also use ColorFidelity profiles / legacy gamut with images from my Olympus EM1ii and EM5ii cameras. This was after finding DxO colour over the top. Adobe DCP was a bit better but not as good a workaround.
Greatly looking forward to the possibility of a satisfactory wide gamut workflow.