PhotoLab transfer to new MAC

That’s not correct: provided an earlier version exists, PL transfers all these settings to the new config.


Geting rid of the data base allows problem free copying of imiges and dops between computers thats been the major problem with them for many


Ok, thank you, this is helpful.

It’s unlikely I can stop moving files into subfolders independently from working within DXO.

From any given days shooting, I may have many bird species, and lots of burst sequential shots to choose from, and eventually those fewer selected processed photos go into different subfolders.

It would be tedious to organize into subfolders before looking at, selecting and processing images, and it would take the excitement out of finding the best shots and acting on them.

My organizing thus happens later via the MacOS Finder Folders and subfolders, and I dont create keywords until I make a further downselection for what to put on my smugmug photo site, and the keywords are there on smugmug in my caption structure (e.g., Raptor_Eagle_Bald) and other keywords related to e.g. location or event I may want to sort on.

I appreciate the helpful replies on this forum, to which I am new.

Downsides to my current approach are:

  1. the RAW files are on separate external drives and currently I am not manually moving the original RAW file to stay with the processed photos
  2. The DOP files are in the main folder, usually, and not in the subfolders, usually.

But all filenames retain the original filename so I figure I can search with that, and so far that has worked adequately. When too many external drives get separated, then I’ll have a problem with RAW file finding.

re. 1. It would be great if I could resave or copy the RAW file as an additional selection right in the EXPORT process. currently I export a JPEG and a TIFF, and sometimes at small JPEG for web sharing. Another check box to simultaneously save the RAW or equivalent would be a useful feature.


It’s VERY important to ensure that .dop/sidecar files are ALWAYS stored in the same folder as their associated source-file (eg. RAW file) … Otherwise, you’re inviting trouble.


Ok that’s superhelpful.

I see now that the DOP files are being recorded alongside the location of the original RAW file, on my external drive.

I actually did not know that. And I am glad to see they are there. I’ll leave them there.


ps. sometimes I edit an jpeg or tiff, in a main folder on my internal drive, and so I see DOPs there too. and mistakenly assumed all the DOPs were there.


update: I did the transfer to an M4 Mac mini Pro over a thunderbolt cable from the Intel iMac using apple migration assistant.

this worked.

I did discover afterwards that the database is apparently account specific.

Initially, I opened PL7 in the admin account. I directed it to a recent folder of images, and while it found edits to apply to RAW files, it did not show if a file had been saved or not, and on checking, the presets of mine were not there.

Going into my user account where I normally work, and launching PL7, the presets were there, and it showed which files had been saved previously. I took this to mean the database and other things were transferred successfully.

I’ll update to PL8 soon.

The comments in this thread from everyone were very helpful.

thanks Jay