Photolab 7, Nik Collection 7 and Soft Proofing Profile

Hi Manfred,
thanks to “remind” me of that longish explanations / excursus :slight_smile:


The Export setting “Same as Soft Proofing” works together with Soft Proofing ON / the set colorspace.

As you indicated, you had exported your image to Nik as TIFF / DxO WideGamut,
which is this setting

(= the file gets converted to DxO WideGamut / not to mix up with DxO’s WCS)

After this file was/is processed by the Nik app and returned to PL
it was/is (@Egregius) still in DxO WideGamut
(have also checked this in PS)


The TIFF file processed in this way was/is your new “Source” and the Export with “Same as Soft Proofing” did/does not convert to the desired color space with SP OFF …

which means

  • either activate SP/sRGB + export w/ Same as SP
  • or export to sRGB

about SP → see …