Photolab 7 applying "No correction" preset but it obviously alters image

I just started using DxO PhotoLab Elite v7.8.0 recently. I’m using a Fujifilm xt-5.

I’m not crazy about the colors in some of these so I turned off auto preset in preferences, closed Photolab, renamed the folder and a few images, and started again.

I opened up a RAW photo and it applied a change, even though the history shows “Applied default preset 6 - No correction”.

The colors look terrible. Where is that auto update coming from?? See attached.

PhotoLab initially shows the JPEG preview image in the RAW file. Then the image viewer changes to show DxO’s interpretation of the RAW data. “No Correction” isn’t going to be exactly the same as the embedded JPEG. The embedded JPEG contains corrections and renderings applied by the camera.

This has puzzled me for a long time and I’ve never been convinced of this explanation about the color of this image on the forum, because I shoot raw + jpg and see very well that the image that appears surreptitiously doesn’t have the same colors as the jpg out of camera (and it should).

Well, I think I’ve recently figured out what’s going on.
It seems that the first image is the jpg embeded in raw interpreted in an inappropriate color space.

Do a test : output an uncorrected jpg from a raw with icc profile set to “as shot”. Open an image processing program and assign (not convert to, assign) the wsrgb color space.
With my Nikon photos on the PC platform, I’m back to the colors I see when this supbreptic image appears.

PS : to see this supbreptic image again, just create a virtual copy from a raw without corrections, it will appear for a fraction of a second.

Agreed - the JPEG off the camera looks more normal, doesn’t have the oversaturated red. And when I open the RAW image in Windows it’s dark but not oversaturated.

So where is that red coming from (the right guy’s face, lanterns above)?

In my experience since the new DxO wide working color space was introduced, the red comes from how PhotoLab renders the RAW data in that wide color space. If you change the Color Rendering settings in PhotoLab, the red is more properly managed. Also, it’s possible to avoid clipping within the output color space. JPEGs out-of-camera have already corrected color rendering, but will sometimes sacrifice fine detail because of clipping when translating the RAW data into sRGB or Adobe RGB.

Try watching this short video by Robin Whalley, which explains about PL colour rendering defaults:

Yes, he’s using PL6 but PL7 didn’t change this behaviour.

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