Newbie - sidecars or catalog?

@RobEW I personally always create DOPs so the DOP settings you see in the snapshots are what I have always used, some users don’t but I think most have those settings. Without DOPs the loss of the database would be the end of all edits!

Some users keep edits in the DOP and throw the database away as often as possible etc. etc.

The Auto Sync settings is more contentious but less so if DxPL is where you assign keywords, rating etc. .Setting option 1 ON means both auto read and auto write, there is no auto read without auto write in DxPL!

The following may or may not help

and, I had forgotten this table, which needs checking but should be accurate and may be useful

@JoPoV I started digging into the working of DxPL because users ran into problems soon after the release of PL5 and I was interested in what was going on and why the concerns/issues.

Sorry my long posts, in my version of English, may not have helped as much as I might have hoped.

DxPL is not as bad with keywording as some make out but there are some issues as recent posts have identified. The documentation online has got better but still has some way to go.