New Licensing in Preparation with PhotoLab 7.7?

My graphics computer is not connected to the internet and its WiFi is turned OFF.
The only complaints I get from it is from Windows Security - nothing from PL.

I went from PL5 to PL7 so I don’t know what happened with PL6 but, again, nothing from PL7 - so far.

I am bore with all those softwares and OS (not photolab only) that mine data that should be personal.
I pay for using them, not to give them rights to search what doesn’t concern them, without being able to control what is searched.
I’ve always paid to use them. Sad the only way to protect yourself from this seems to NOT pay for them but use them anyway without connection.

Maybe my next move !

Those are for the Effects plugin, not On1 Raw which is what we are discussing and which has both options. Effects is a plugin like Nik for Adobe/Affinity and perpetual only. On1 Raw has both options which you can find here: Buy ON1 Photo RAW - ON1

And how will you do that?

I’m not sure I correctly understand what you’re saying, because it sounds to me like you’re suggesting that piracy can be morally justified when one disagrees with the licensing terms. I hope that’s not the case. Maybe what you mean is that freely-licensed software such as darktable and RawTherapee is looking more and more attractive. I agree with that somewhat.

Legally, we pay for a right to use the software (license) but also must agree to the terms of the license. Otherwise we forfeit the right. The expectation is that we will read the end-user license agreement and either accept or decline it before we activate the software.

I am opposed to companies collecting personal data without our permission. That is something we should be able to opt out of. But I am for companies’ rights to protect their intellectual property against theft or misuse. Unfortunately, security is constantly having to catch up with the tools used to circumvent it. Most software I use now needs to have credentials re-entered and network-verified every 2-4 weeks if not every time I use it, or it stops working. It’s very annoying, but if IP theft is as rampant as it seems to be then it’s better than companies jacking up their prices or going out of business because they can’t absorb the losses.

Not being allowed to know what someone read from and do with our personal datas is something that have become usual and that the companies have succeeded in making legal under the leadership and because of the power of some of the world’s leading companies which lead the world and make rules.
I thought DxO’s ethics didn’t enter into this game, but now it seems they do (maybe they’ve found a new investor).
Maybe you like this and you are free to do so, but whatever laws those dominants managed to impose by force on the whole world, I refuse to go along with it.

Why should some have the right to make legal to steal others ?

That being said, for the rest, you’re just as free to draw whatever conclusions you want.
Be free to choose between the new and the old testament.

The Photographers Package is billed and paid monthly, BUT you have to subscribe for the whole year, so you’re obligated to pay for the whole 12 months, even if you quit the program.

Not quite. From Adobe’s own website: “If you cancel after 14 days, your service will continue until the end of that month’s billing period, and you will be charged an early termination fee.”

Now, I don’t know how much that termination fee is but it won’t be the entire year if you cancel early in the subscription.

Right, when you first sign up, you get that 14 day grace period.

I must be living a very different life than others around here. I wonder how many people really go 37 days without a connection to the Internet. Where does that happen? I’m writing this from the middle of Uzbekistan. A few weeks ago I was in Sulawesi, Indonesia, in an area where they still sacrifice buffalo and they place coffins on cliffsides. I had almost uninterrupted internet access. The news this week included a story about Musk’s Starlink bringing the internet to Amazonian tribes. So I don’t get the furore. P…s. I think Luminar does something similar.

I initially agreed with you. I have since understood from the thread that this is a fundamental issue. If I have purchased a license that works standalone on my computer, the vendor is not allowed to simply take the license away after 37 days. Regardless of whether I am online or not. The vendor may change its strategy and have future versions verified on the central license server, but it may not take away the version that I have purchased. If DxO left V 7.7.0 on the download server, users would be happier. At least at the beginning, but later frustration arises again because the whole methodology is questionable. I don’t think the manufacturers are doing themselves any favors in the long term.


Fieldwork in Pakistan. On the last season (6 weeks) connectivity was poor and it was usually necessary to drive somewhere to get a cell signal - and that with poor data. Also, very often the EduRoam WiFi connections at universities in Pakistan have arbitrary firewall blocks that prevent many services from working (Skype!), and which may interfere with authentication.

Admittedly this is an unusual case, but there are scenarios where you can run in to problems.

In the case of DxO this is probably not that important as editing and curation is frequently only done when back home. However, who wants to find software that has been paid for disabled because of some dumb licensing implementation? At that point, pirate sources for the software become functionally better than the paid product.

That said, all of this is speculation. DxO’s web site clearly lists no-subscription as a key benefit of the software, and realistically no one should be looking to change software at this time. A thread like this should provide input to DxO on the consequences of changes that they are making or may be considering to make, not to start people acting as if those speculative changes have actually been made.

FWIW, I have temporarily blocked access to the license validation server from my computer and will be intrigued to see what (if anything) happens after 37 days!


But there is another aspect that I find more important. What good is it if I have Internet, but the license server doesn’t work for some reason, or the validation doesn’t work? I’ve experienced it all before. Add to that lousy support that doesn’t care and you’re stuck with software costing many hundreds of euros that has mutated into digital garbage.

I tried a little something…Launched DPL versions 7.6 and 7.7 one after the other and they opened as expected and DPL 7.7 wrote that extra key file mentioned in the originating post. After quitting dpl, I deleted the key file and disconnected the computer from the Internet. Then, I relaunched DPL 7.7 hoping that it would draw its right to live from the license file of earlier DPL 7s. Did n’t bring the wanted effect, instead I got an error message:

Would have been nice to have an emergency backdoor, but nope, no such thing so far. Anyways, I hope we get user managed licensing, but I’m certainly not expecting it to be implemented real soon. DxO, surprise me!


Also great, just installed the update for FilmPack 7.7.2 and ViewPoint 4.17.1. When I deny both programs access to,

the programs do not close properly. In other words, when I close the programs, the program window closes, but not the program itself. The only way to do this is via force quit.
Looks like another bad implementation of the new verification system. Maybe someone can confirm this.

PL and NC blocking no problem

Exactly what I was just talking about

I suspect your experience in Pakistan is extremely unusual among PL users. After all, the issue is that people are apparently suggesting that they may not have internet access for 37 days, which I find hard to believe. Zero internet access very rare … and you can’t even stay in N Korea for 37 days. [I have just been travelling through the Uzbekistan countryside and had access most of the time … and I’ve spent a lot of time in remote parts of SE Asia with good access most of the time]. I also don’t expect that a license check requires the best of signals as there shouldn’t be much data being exchanged … a few seconds of a connection and you’d be good for another 37 days.
Also, I don’t get the fretting that this is necessarily a first step toward a subscription model. Other software such as Luminar and SPSS do occasional license check-ins without forcing users into a subscription model. I suspect DxO simply thinks this is the easiest way for them to combat piracy of their product (yes, admittedly far from foolproof).

Interesting: I’m still using PL7.5 and have declined updating until now. But now when I start PL7.5 it doesn’t auto-detect the latest update and invite me to download it. But I can manually check for updates and download 7.7.2.

I would be very disappointed if DxO became anything like Adobe.
Adobe’s predatory business model and their breaking of license agreement is why I am here looking at DxO.

i always turn off “check for update” since PL5, there’s been so many times the new released update came with bugs, I rather wait a week and see if anyone are reporting issues. even though i keep some backup, its just easier to wait for sunshine after the rain.

Is the performance of the cloud storage really good enough for big files and for example backup restores?

I use EaseUS backup and would not dream on using that to restore from their cloud. When I tried it I found it far to slow with the fiber I gave.