"magenta skies" due to improper scaling in linear DNG output is not only with X-T5

Checking the Leica file in RawDigger, I found histograms that look like clipped highlights, but the peak values are 3 points below “White” as put down in metadata. Therefore, PhotoLab should have no reason to tinker with highlights, but it does. It doesn’t with highlights that are really clipped and have the corresponding peak at 16383/16383.

When I take one of my clipped CR2 files, the exported DNG file has highlight values that are a) the same for R, G and B (expected) and b) lower than the max. value of 64K (unexpected) - but only with “No Correction” applied and/or exported with “Optical Corrections Only” (unexpected again).

Lesson Learned: Not sure about that either :wink:

Be careful to compare the pixel values in a linear dng and a normal rgb. In a normal rgb the linear values are gamma and color corrected. A linear 225 will become 240 with a gamma of 2.2. And then the color corrections. A value of 128 will become 186. I’m not sure what to do with the figures of RawDigger.


You can take an issue to Leica’s people who were writing firmware - they do make errors in the code just like DxO people do

the difference between linear DNG produced as an intermediate step for a specific workflow by whatever software and raw files produced by camera’s firmware ( DNG or NOT) is that software developers ( at least those who are not in the name only ) do test raw files produced by camera’s firmware to find out where clipping is ( not only relying on metadata ) - but with linear DNG they have to rely on metadata as they can’t possibly test ( and they don’t ) all for all errors/bugs with how the data was generated

Wonderful, village idiot (your avatar’s claim, not mine), so you think you found a bug. Open a bug report with DxO. Beating this subject to death in this forum will not cause the bug to be fixed. It’s tiresome to keep harping on the same stuff that most of us don’t care about because we will probably never run into it. Not to mention that your, shall we say, less than engaging ways greatly take away from any credibility you may otherwise have, but that’s another story.


THIS WAS NOT FIXED in PL7 BTW … Skies are MAGENTA as ever !

Noticed this on a lot of images from my GM5 coming back from backpacking this week in DXO 7.8. I seem to recall having this problem in darktable back in the day with this camera. I have never had the magenta highlights appear in raws from my Olympus cameras, only the Panasonic. The magenta is not present on the camera processed JPGs.

Is there a “fix” in the works for this? Like a “magenta highlight correction tool” or something? I’ve tried lots of ways to manipulate this, but it ends up adversely effecting the rest of the image in some cases.

There is no “magenta highlight correction tool” – at least that I know of.
Would you mind publishing your raw file?

“Sorry, new users can not upload attachments”

You can use Wetransfer or Dropbox.
