Larger working space than adobe rgb - for not loosing colors our often very expensive sensors provide us

As said → Add soft proofing to Photolab - #16 by sankos ( follow also further down)
Converting to ICC colour profile - #3 by wolf
during image export, DxO uses perceptual rendering intent and no black point compensation.

When colours outside of sRGB are detected (e.g. from wider AdobeRGB),
all colours are shifted/squeezed to fit in the smaller sRGB colour space,
while visually keeping their relation → “perceptual”.

The old LR 5.7 has a clever solution to visualize in Softproof mode

  • if the file’s colour space exceeds the monitor’s colour space ( → monitor choice )
    Screen Shot 01-20-22 at 06.29 PM
    (Melissa/ProPhoto RGB vs. AdobeRGB / sRGB)

  • if the file’s colour space exceeds the print’s rendition ( → paper choice )
    Screen Shot 01-20-22 at 06.29 PM 001
    (with profil for my printer & matte paper / RI relative)

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