Lack of Key features in DxO Photolab 8

With all software systems, if you can’t adapt your way of working to the way that the system works, than that system isn’t for you. Don’t use Photolab.

The way Photolab works is excellent (and logical) for people like me. The way I work, showing the contents of subfolders all merged together would be awkward. Clearly though that is a critical requirement for you - fair enough. You just need to go somewhere else.


It could be (would have to, since directories discovery takes some time) implement as an option.
A little checkbox on top of the directory hierachy window would allow both workflows.

euhm … That’s very constructive … (You seem really afraid of this option).

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When you put “\Export” in the Filepath field, the export folder gets automatically created if it does not exist yet.

Feels like a dated paradigm to me.

Let’s replace either-or by as-well-as !
Again, this needs a paradigm shift on DxO’s side. Instead of us having to deal with a given UI, DxO could start to offer user-selectable options instead. Some like selected folder only views, others like to see the whole lot. Both groups should be accommodated imo. And a little checkbox or menu entry can do the trick (not forgetting the consequences like enabling the display of JPEG previews in RAW files).

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Not sure what you mean with tagging photos.
You can use the same shortcuts to pick or reject a photo or to remove the pick or reject tag. They’re.the same as in Lightroom.
Shortcut P for picking a photo (lights up the green marker).
Shortcut X for rejecting a photo (lights up the red marker).
Shortcut U for removing the pick or reject indicator.

I think you misunderstood me. I don’t want a separate “export folder”. My finished (JPG) images should always be located directly in the relevant topic folder, not in a subfolder. The RAW images are then in a RAW subfolder together with the .dop files in a subfolder of this folder. This means that from the RAW folder (working folder) I only need to set the relative path to the main folder above “..” once and it always works. I don’t have to set this again for every new image project. Year => Month => Topic (possibly => Subtopic) => RAW.

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I use the Postgres server version of PhotoSupreme as my DAM for all photos and film clips.
So anything PL is lacking in the asset management area I’m not having any problems as PSu manage that for me.

I agree entirely - a choice would be ideal.
But that choice doesn’t exist at the moment, maybe it will in a year’s time, who knows. In the meantime, the software doesn’t do something that is clearly critical to the OP.

“Feels like a dated paradigm to me.”

I agree with that too. But even with much more flexible systems, you can run into a situation where a system just doesn’t do what you want it to. And when you find that, you have to accept, adapt, or move on.

What a strange thing to say. Have you read this thread? The OP couldn’t find a way to select eg only rejected pics - I showed him how to do that. He wanted to be able to see pics from a folder and its sub folders all at once - I showed him how to do that (via projects). Is that not constructive?

But he wants to be able to view folders /subfolders just by clicking in a folder, not by using projects. Can’t be done at the moment. This is clearly critical to the OP’s workflow - so as it stands, this software isn’t suitable for him.

I entirely agree that an option to view all pics at once or see them sub folder by subfolder would be great. I’m not “afraid” of it at all. But that option doesn’t exist, does it? Maybe in a year’s time? Who knows.

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You wasn’t responding to the OP but to stenis.
Or maybe I read to fast.

You can’t acheive the same thing whith project. And they are not easily managable when they become numerous.
You have to create bunch of projects depending of your folder organisation to acheive what could be acheived with an option like this.

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“The File System”- shape in PhotoLibrary is not the file system it is just one representation of the indexed database. Why DXO don’t seem to use it as Capture One or PhotoMechanic I think have to do with the performance problems that occurs because Photolab always is synching an open folder with the real filesystem. Both C1 and LR are not because they use the databases instead. That is probably also why Photolab have a limit of 1000 pictures per set for the number of pictures Photolab manages to handle. The others support “infinit/global”-scrolling - Photolab not so.

I still think it is strange that I can´t see all the pictures in my PhotoLibrary- database when I select my top folder, because that is in fact the point from where all my pictures were indexed. So the problem was not that the index system could not see the pictures when indexing. The problem is that DXO have decided not to display them.

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Welcome to the club.
I did the same based on the hyping following each new release. PhotoLab is a patchwork-application. For each release a few well known features from other raw editors are added making the arrested development look less eye-catching.
I use my not less hated PL7 with the forced 10 seconds woke splash screen to ensure myself that anything I produce in the free Darktable can’t be made better in this costly example of a digital patchwork.
The only reason for me to follow this forum is to express my satisfaction with DxO’s PureRAW x noise reduction software, which without doubt is produced in another part of DxO’s dev environment, the progressive department.

Working with PhotoLab screaming can’t always be avoided.

Eigil, probably all present RAW-converters are patchworks because that is what they all end up to be after a while of structural growth over time.

In fact, the only time we can be reasonably sure an application is NOT is patchwork is the rare occasion when the manufacturer of it actually tell us so. … and the very moment we open it we can be pretty sure the patching has already started again :slight_smile:

You are right.
Sometimes it seems more apparent.

I also have commented on this before. I think especially the “Local Adjustments” a long time have given me a feeling of being “bolted” on the main application.

The Color Wheel solution too and it didn´t get all that much less confused when the Hue Mask was added on top of the global and especially the Local Color Wheel.

When it comes to the colormanagement/color grading in Photolab it is reaching even new hights with version 8. It should not have to be like this if there had been an insight here that all color grading in fact really is local. It is possible to build a system like that and the proof that it works very well is Capture One. Even Lightroom has fallen in the same trap.

Yes, these pictures were taken in our old flat in the main street of Waxholm. It looked almost the same where I live now the last years from time to time when they were working with exchanging all the main water pipes on the island where I live now. Finally these jobs were finished in late August. So, the last months we have been working with cleaning our waterheater and watermagazines in our house (3 x 1m3) from all the shit that has been gathering there for 10 years. Not so nice here either.

It is the same in many counties here now. Once these systems were built and financed with tax money from the state and counties but the last maybe 30 years almost everything here has been privatized and now we are starting to see the results of the systematic neglecting of maintaining these systems (that is the way these companies makes money). It is not just the water another really sad example are the railroads.

Still this hasn´t been so bad, because it has given us a really good opportunity to really get a possibility to go through our geothermal heat pump-systems (we have three big ones in series) that have been totally neglected too, for nearly ten years. I have been the project leader of this project where we now can cut some substantial heating costs using a much smarter control of the heating. The heating pumps only works now when the prognosis from the electricity price exchange market forecasts the cheapest prices during each day.

This will improve our economic recilience a lot since we now will be protected from most of the electricity price chocks that always occur during the winter time here nowadays. Even most days when the prices are really high there is always part of the day when the prices of electricity is very low or Zero. It is then and only then we are using it.

This is also good for the whole society because it helps pushing the prices down on electricity even for people who have no choise but to use it when it is as most expensive.

Maybe I misunderstand, but…
To display all photos in the subfolders would be an absolute disaster too my way of working.
In my main photo folder I have more than 100 subfolders where they also may have several levels of subfolders. All in all, close too 100k photos.
If I should wait on PL to display all of them it would take a lot of time, maybe it would finish when I’m still alive… Anyway I would not get anything done.

As many of you will know, I wrote my own browser, keywording, tagging, etc, app…

It is capable of flattening hierarchies and, at present, browsing from my root folder, with over 14,000 images in sub-folders, the average loading time is around 2 seconds, even when dragging the scrollbar from top to bottom.

That is because I page the images in and out and never hold more than two pages of images in a cache.

Searching for files that contain specified keywords takes less than 1 second.

Of course, my app makes use of Apple’s Spotlight indexing and searching engine, which is built in to macOS; so indexing is happening automatically all the time my computer is switched on. But I am sure there must be a background indexing process in Windows that could be leveraged.

Capture One works that way and so does PhotoMechanic. The reason that is a must fir me is that if you are able to do so you will also be able to add the same meradata to both the RAW and the derivates.

A Photolab not able to do this will always be a total pain to use as a metadata maintenance tool.