@sgospodarenko Thank you for your attention.
Can I please draw you attention to Rotation not kept in dop’s why? - #72 by Photoman43 and Add an option to PhotoLab to turn the database functions on or off - #13 by BHAYT and Avoiding "Unwanted Virtual Copies" when copying Images and DOPs between systems and consider publishing a DxO authorised version of the “procedure” in the FAQ!
In addition can I also draw your attention to Add an option to PhotoLab to turn the database functions on or off - #4 by BHAYT where a “simple” (but requires some development work) “solution” occurred to me to the problem that has filled just a “few” (alright masses of) column inches of various forums over recent “years” that might offer a solution to those that encounter the “Load on laptop - transfer to another PC - process on the other PC - and attempt to return to laptop - encounter Virtual Copies” dilemma.
Thank you for your attention.