Improve my editing in photlab7

Apparently it was flagged as advertising spam, not sure what that is about, but I think that image was also with the old lens. I will post more recent one, and hope they don’t decide it some form of advertising or spam. I never mentioned a product, other than the camera and lens manufacturer.

Ok, so I need to specify size? I never think about that. I have topaz magapixel. I am not allowed to post attachments,

Thank you. I never look at size I just enlarge in the frame of the editor, while cropping.

I do have both of those topaz apps, but was hoping to do all in one, I get really confused with tech, and thought I could do it all in one app. I will have another bash at a few.

If I can email you a zip, it will be a more recent pic, I was hoping would be quite good, but isn’t, detail wise. It is the raw, edited and dop.

Ok, peeps, my post has been labelled as advertising, so adding images might be a problem, not sure if it will be reviewed by someone., it seems a bit odd.

I think that lens was the 100-400 zoom, now I have the 100-500, I didn’t think of them as “small lenses”

Ok here is another pic, not a very distant subject. I wanted again to improve the feather detail mainly, especially the whites, I tried warming, reducing highlights, and exposure, and vibrancy of the white. Added some clear view plus.

Ok, so I saw my question was reinstated, but I cannot post link to wet transfer, to post doc and cannot post CR3 files. Here was my attempt at editing this Barn owl.

Ok here is another pic, not a very distant subject. I wanted again to improve the feather detail mainly, especially the whites, I tried warming, reducing highlights, and exposure, and vibrancy of the white. Added some clear view plus.