I'm ready to scream! Repair tool targets moving when zoomed

I have privately written to Barbara, apologising for the “rant”, but when you’ve got a customer waiting for a print and you’ve just spent an hour, only to find that the work you’ve done has been lost, it sort of gets to you. Then there’s the recent total lack of response from Dx0, which even applies to the beta forums before they closed them down, which makes me wonder who has said what and to whom in DxO to alienate them from communicating with us.

Further news, I have just reverted to PL6 and this problem is exactly the same there.

Look carefully and you will see target masks, with faint dots that those masks were covering, usually, but not always, just down and to the right.

And here is the entire image, just to show how many repairs I have done so far, at the second attempt - and that is just going around the edges.

@Barbara-S I don’t have time to make out a report on this at the moment. After another hour in PL6, I am now even further behind and will have to use Affinity Photo to go through this all over again.


This is how things work in Lightroom.

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Yes, but this is a different situation. In this particular case it’s very understandable why she’s so upset. She’s doing work for a client. If she had found this bug in the normal course of things, she likely would have presented it in the same fashion as other things she’s identified in the past.


Indeed, the first time, all I did was rotate the image in PL7 before starting to re-spot but, when that failed, I then rotated it in in PL6 and immediately exported a copy so that all I had was a “virgin” image

But, see my screenshot in the previous post - the offset is clearly visible.

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Is this the only image you’ve worked with that is having this problem? Could it have anything to do with the small physical size of the scanned negative or the resolution?

I wonder if this problem is Mac specific. Since I’m on Windows , if there’s anything I could do to help you out, let me know. At this point I only have PL7 installed.


I may remind you of this old post, where it was already mentioned that local adjustments are not compatible with global image transformations.

When some of the users, including me, complained that this is a big misconception, many of you who are complaining now in this post, were defending this behavior, as one could ‘just work around it’, by doing any global transformations before doing any local adjustments.

If this behavior now also happens by simply zooming, then this is of course worse, however, I think the problem should be solved from its root once and for all. Me myself I was in the same position back then and pretty annoyed that I had to redo all my local adjustments, only because I wanted to do a simple adjustment of the horizon afterwards.

The post of mine which you linked to was in regard to the order in which geometry changes and repair masks need to be applied. I believe @Joanna is well aware of that issue and the current problem she’s having is somewhat different.


Thanks. I’ve done very little repair work in PL7 but, if and when I did, it was just a few small things on a digital camera RAW file.

This is very different. It is a scanned MF (645) neg at 2400ppi, giving a TIFF image of 5406px x 4084 at 240ppi.

I can send you the file by DM if you would like to have a play on Windows. It is the original scanned image, complete with slight tilt.

In the end, to get it done, I squared it up, cropped it and used Affinity on the resized and squared file.

I am not sure about France, but in some less enlightened countries some companies have “customer advocate” roles on their roster …

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If you would like to send me it, I’ll be more than happy to see if I can recreate the problem in the Windows version. Perhaps you could message me with some specific instructions regarding what you wanted to accomplish, what you did, and the specific order in which you did them. Assuming that I have the same problem you had, I will also play with it to see if there is some sort of workaround.


Just create lots and lots of repair points to cover all the dust spots, zooming in to place them. Then zoom out and in again.

Got it. Thanks.


I remember this was a big and nasty issue in PL3! Happened to me LOTS of times.

With later versions I have only encountered it once, and I had attributed to a mistake of mine… But it looks like it wasn’t!

This appears to be a different problem.


I had to try, but to no effect. Maybee this is a Mac version problem?

I tried it too and now after reading it again with a TIFF file, but so far no problem with the retouching tool.

The above mentioned problem with LA masks plus perspective corrections, that also exists here, seems to have nothing to do with this.

This also exists in some french companies or medias but I wouldn’t say that it’s a generalized practice.

I already PM’ed @Joanna with my test results but wanted to share them with others. I tested this issue in the Windows version of PL 7 with Joanna’s original tiff file and was unable to recreate the issue she was having. This may be a Mac only issue. Perhaps someone else using a Mac can try to recreate the results she was getting.


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There really do appear to be a lot of Mac bugs in PL that have escaped us in Windows

Don’t get too smug. You are by no means exempt :nerd_face:

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