Error: DxO PL2 e won't close at "quit"

Here ! :grinning:
Well I guess we just need to wait a bit more. It’s annoying for sure but today we are closer to the fix as we were yesterday.

LOL! Thanks Mark. Your Zen-like response gave me a chuckle.

You are welcome :grinning:

I just have seen the update and my first tries were successful. :sunglasses::+1:
Many thanks.

Is there any way to view the changelog afterwards?

Good to know! Enjoy :wink:

Hi just wanted to pass along that the new update that came over yesterday so far looks good for addressing the hang-on-exit error. I’ll give it a few more days, but one of my two thumbs is up at the moment.

Thanks for the fix!

@kettch I confirm it is solved here too. Thanks.

I am good with closing this. Thanks for the patch.