Mike, what can I say but Wow!!!
You really nailed this for exposure, even with the sun actually in the frame.
Just a couple of really small things:
Increase the size of the Smart Lighting zones, they weren’t big enough to affect the highlight/shadow levels enough.
After changing that, I could then adjust the tone curve by even less than you did, to maintain slightly more range.
To be able to do this little alteration just goes to show how well you exposed the image in the camera.
I did add DeepPRIME because, despite the low ISO and perfect exposure, it can still clean up shadow areas.
Oh, and I felt that a 16:9 crop got rid of the “wasted” sky, but that is purely subjective.
DOP file with both my and @Fotoguido’s version
_7509172 | 2021-10-21.nef.dop (41,0 Ko)