DxO Tech Support Was Difficult

I use the same procedure with someone from the German support team.

Dear DxO Community,

Thank you for your feedback and for sharing your experiences. We acknowledge the frustrations expressed in this thread and are committed to improving our support services.
Regarding Marshall’s comments, we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by our support process. The agent who tried to help you is a new member of our team (with only 10 days of experience at DxO). There is a beginning to everything and no one is perfect!

We must maintain a respectful environment, and thus, we will be taking action against any inappropriate language used in this forum. For example, calling one of our agents a “major jerk” is unacceptable.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Best regards,

P.S: What Marshall calls the Crash Reporting Tool is a diagnostic script that collects a range of information about your system. Not all of the data contained therein is always needed, but it saves us from asking for various information several times as part of the problem analysis, which is why we often ask for this additional information first.


Dear Fabrice, thank you very much for your comment.
However, the focus here is only on one member of the team. All understandable arguments, which I don’t think anyone is questioning. However, if you also read the other posts, it seems that this is not just an isolated incident caused by an inexperienced support employee. And, as I have now found out, sometimes support gets personal too.
I can only confirm how some people here react to this or avoid support in the meantime.
It would be nice if DXO had some kind of arbitration board that you could turn to if things don’t work out at all with support.

Best Regards

Thats in effect what used to be here when there was regular staff participation
As I know from twice there taking up and resolving problems support had failed to deal with.

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Dear Fabrice,
I edited my comment about your tech support team member.
I re-submitted my bug report. I received a response. This response again asked me to run the DxO Diagnostics app (at least I wasn’t asked to uninstall and reinstall again). So I ran the DxO Diagnostics app and sent back the data.
But, really, the tech support person just needs to file a bug report. There’s nothing for tech support to fix; there’s just a bug in your software which makes it impossible to apply a watermark and also downscale (resize) an image on Export. I can do one or the other, but not both, that’s all.

If I apply a watermark and output at full resolution, I can downscale using external software, such as Photoshop, and it works fine. The only problem is that this is more time-consuming than just outputting a watermarked image with downscaling at the same time.

It would be even better if PhotoLab allowed a text watermark with a drop shadow, because when you have bright areas in the corner, the watermark does not appear. So sometimes, I need to output without a watermark and manually create a drop shadow watermark using a brush in Photoshop.

@Fabrice I agree that resorting to name calling is unacceptable and it is about as useful as asking the customer to de-install and re-install the software, which should be accompanied by appropriate guidance about backing up databases, the fact that any edits done with the new release do not have backwards compatible DOPs/'database etc.!

The classic cliché when “mocking” IT support is the “have you turned it off and back on again” sketch, which can indeed get the user back working again but may fail to recognise the potential “tip of the ice-berg”.

With issues like the one reported it is important not to eradicate the issue and lose the opportunity to gain an insight into a bug, be it transient or persistent as this one appears to be.

If the uninstall/re-install recommendation is on the support script please remove it or at least downgrade it from the first item on the list!

Front line support should be amongst the best not simply “canon fodder” and need to be able to get to the heart of the issue and not just repeat some script verbatim.

Use the newbies to go “play” with the software and attempt to reproduce some of the problems reported so that they can gain an insight and then move them to front line support.

The adage that “the customer is always right (until proven wrong)” should be the mantra of all support personnel and with DxO users it is essential or you will find more topics like this one cropping up.

I believe that the downloaded tools may be of value in this case but would suggest that it should be accompanied by a request to activate appropriate logging then reproduce the problem and then run the software to extract the logs that (hopefully) have captured additional data to aid further diagnostics.

@Fabrice-B this is not the first complaint about “lack lustre” responses from DxO support in the forum, lets hope that it is the last we see here and is replaced with topics that detail the problem experienced but either say nothing bad about DxO support or praise the support given, while complaining about the nature of the “bug”/“feature”, of course.


Hi Bryan,

It(support) has gotten somewhat better recently. I’ve seen at least two or three instances where @Cecile-C took a user’s complaint and personally herded it through the support system for them, as @sgospodarenko used to do. Now if we could just get Svetlana back on this forum!


@rrblint Agreed on both counts but we have seen issues arising from users contacting support which follow a similar pattern to the one that started this topic!?

I understand that staff need to be rotated through various jobs, some will leave and others will join and the experience of front-line support staff will vary but those staff members are customer facing,

How they handle the customers and their issues defines the relationship between DxO and its customer base and reputations can be made or lost in such exchanges.

Having worked for a mainframe manufacturer for 36 years in one support role or another I am well aware of support issues.

I was typically customer facing throughout those years and I had to rely on the companies support infrastructure to provide me will the support that I needed, so that I could support the customer as they sat beside a “sick” system with deadlines to meet.

I was “sandwiched” between the customer and the company I worked for and it was me who attended the monthly customer project meetings!? The most important thing was that the customer never lost faith in me and in the company backing me up (I think that last bit can be read in two ways and both are important)!

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Bryan, I certainly agree with you on all points, but the three(maybe five) instances that I cited were very well-done by @Cecile-C . Just like old times, no kidding! Yes, there are still cases like the ones that caused the creation of this thread, but there are also some cases that are handled well, so I call that “getting better” !


@Fabrice-B Nous sommes enchantés d’avoir le premier message du staff DxO depuis 3 ans sur ce forum ! Espérons toutefois que vous résoudrez le problème…
Puisque vous nous lisez, vous avez été interpellés de nombreuses fois sur ce forum et il a fallu un dérapage de langage pour vous faire réagir ; je ne dois pas être le seul ici à souhaiter relire des messages du staff DxO.

We are delighted to have the first message from the DxO staff in 3 years on this forum! However, let’s hope you solve the problem…
Since you are reading us, you have been questioned many times on this forum and it took a language skid to make you react; I must not be the only one here to want to reread messages from the DxO staff.


oh please…it’s pretty clear that DXO and other software companies typically fail to acknowledge or fix bugs to push people to upgrade to newer versions of said software.

I trialled DXO Pure RAW v4 and despite it giving better results than my now very old v2, it was very unreliable for me. I decided to keep using v2 and pass on v4. Or any future versions of the software.

Apple and other software companies have been doing that for years. It’s why I much prefer GNU GPL open source software wherever possible. Software such as FireCapture, IMPPG, AutoStakkert, PIPP, Winjupos smash any commercial software from here to kingdom come in terms of quality and stability (and not to mention features).

There are some software companies such as Pleiades Astrophoto, who develop PixInsight are amazing. Said software runs on GNU/Linux (primary development platform), freeBSD, Windows and MacOS. Can be installed on as many computers as you like. NO subcription model. Free and frequent upgrades, including new tools. Excellent technical support too.
Now that is quality software. Contrast that to other options…including DXO software.

When v2 of Pure RAW stops working, I’ll just switch to Adobe’s AI NR tool.

At this point, the issue has been escalated. Tech support has confirmed that the bug exists, and suggested some workarounds to minimize its effect.
For me, the watermark is my brand, and it cannot be corrupted, so I will use a different approach: I will apply a Watermark and not Resize on Export. I will Resize using Photoshop.

I hope DxO fixes this in an upcoming release.

Dear DxO Community,

Thank you for your continued feedback. I’d like to address some key points:

  1. Customer support is integral to DxO Labs; our team is very much part of the DxO staff. Some agents also have other duties and responsibilities within the DxO organization.
  2. Our team varies in levels of experience, from newly joined to long-time support members. They are human, with all the imperfections and strengths that entail, and the workload can vary greatly throughout the year.
  3. Public insults are harmful and demotivating. Few enjoy being publicly disparaged.
  4. Insulting our staff affects the entire team and can slow down our response times. This is valid for both new and more experienced members.
  5. Forums are often a place where dissatisfied customers meet and share assumptions and generalizations that do not correspond to the initial facts, while the silent majority of users work happily and see no reason to read such posts or even post anything. So impressions may sometimes seem distorted.
  6. Following a ticket, the user has the opportunity to give feedback on the support employee’s performance. Our customer satisfaction rate is 93% (score over the last 4 consecutive months), which is higher than for comparable companies.
  7. If something didn’t go well, which we honestly regret, the feedback for the ticket is highly welcome and should be as constructive as possible. Of course, it will be read carefully by management; a separate channel is not required.

Thank you for understanding.

Best regards,


I think the watermark should be applied when exporting.
So you can adjust it to the size you want (and to fit your image).

see also here …

The bug occurs whether I apply the Watermark during Export or not. If the image is Resized on Export, the watermark is corrupted (bad scaling artifacts.)

@Fabrice-B Thank you for your response let me see if I have understood it correctly

I never thought otherwise but the response from customer support, as reported here, showed little insight into the nature of the problem being reported.

It looked as if that response was coming from a script. Scripts are essential to ensure that a common standard is employed for all support requests, at least at the start but it needs to branch and provide additional guidance based upon what is being reported.

In this case a specific, repeatable, reproduceable issue! Where was the branching to an alternative approach?

As users we have never been advised on how the support data collection system works, i.e. for this issue is there likely to be enough data already in the logs or does the user need to deploy what is supplied and then reproduce the problem and then send the necessary data to DxO support?

Understood, so any such “attack” should not have been levelled at an individual support member but at/to DxO Support and the support management in particular!

Agreed and an apology has been given, none of us, DxO support or users, like being publicly disparaged in the forum by other users or DxO staff.

The title of this particular topic might well upset the team since it “tars all support staff with the same brush” but it did appear to get this topic noticed.

“Frustrated with DxO Support” might have been a better title, perhaps, but the original topic and the title may have been driven by frustration with DxO Support and the lack of any recognition of the true nature of the problem and an explanation of why certain actions were being suggested!

I will take the statement that demotivating the team can slow down support responses as a statement of fact rather than a veiled threat!

Now you are tarring all users who respond to this or indeed any topic with the same brush which I consider unacceptable.

The silent majority are the heroes of day in your opinion.

In fact I consider item 5 is as big an insult to the users as the title of this topic was an insult to DxO Support personnel!

The forum is here to provide support to the other users and once upon a time that included input from DxO personnel. There are certainly disappointed users in the forum, disappointed in elements of the product which fail to live up to their needs or expectations or in the organisation that develops and supports the product(s) etc.

I am sad to say that almost everything that I have learned about the inner working of DxPL comes either from other users or my own experimentation or both i.e. my own experimentation and then interaction with other users and then more experimentation and then etc. etc. and little or nothing from DxO whatsoever!

The “Unwanted VC” topic ran for over a year with no sign of DxO involvement whatsoever and it could have been stopped almost immediately. There is now a help topic that covers this issue but no product fix to help avoid the problem if encountered or rectify the consequences of this pernicious “feature”.

If impressions seem distorted then set the record straight by providing useful information.

The support system is a closed book to users whereas the forum is an open book.

So I submit a support request and document the issue in the forum if I consider it appropriate.

Congratulations on the 94%.

I consider that is understood by all users.

What is wrong with DxO Support:-

Building confidence in DxO Support mechanisms:-

  1. The product has no release id. in the title.
  2. When a product is released there is no definitive fix list attached, ticket numbers would help users identify when their ticket is closed by a new release.
  3. There is no visibility of identified problems coming from DxO, so different users may raise the same issue again and again and … That is an element of what the forum is all about so please use it.

Winning back customer confidence:-

  1. Use the forum to actively engage with the users, not to simply react but failing all else reacting is better than nothing!
  2. Start to actually fix long standing issues, particularly those for which there is no easy fix, e.g. “Unwanted VCs” and drive replacement, both Uuid issues albeit different Uuids. Add to the list and engage with the users what needs to be fixed and what features would keep them using DxPL instead of drifting away.
  3. If formally fixing the product is too big a task consider one off utilities to aid with certain situations. The unwanted VCs needs to be fixed in-line, albeit I am investigating post occurrence fixing of sorts at the moment. The disk id could easily be fixed with a simple external utility.

There are probably more items that could be added but I am actually trying to reduce my commitment to DxPL and reduce my input to the forum.

PS:- @Fabrice-B the “Thank you” at the beginning of this post was genuine please do not be deterred from participating in the forum by my response which was not intended to be adversarial, we don’t see enough of DxO these days!

My response to item 5 was intended to be adversarial and you should always consider why there are dissatisfied customers who then share their opinions in the forum.

The “assumptions and generalizations” exist in the vacuum (lack of accurate data) that has surrounded DxPL for far too long!


Interesting posts.

Me with decades of experience in field repair of office printers has bin surpriced often of mismatches of customers asking of aid and respons of our customer support.
This seems that i am bashing our CS but that’s not the case.
Point one on email or telephone issues don’t seem to travel well and often got blurrie disformed.
Mistakes in naming parts and there problem originated in which action is one of the misunderstanding of the reciever.
And when i arrive on location i SEE what the customer is doing which has much more value for me as troubleshooter then the written complain of something not working which i recieve in my workapp in “calls”.

My telephone supportteam/one guy has to resolve 80 calls of all levels a day.
(in retrorespect: ill visite 3 till 10 site’s a day tovsolve 1 or more problems.)

  • Take action by sending a solution of the question/request
  • call back to try to resolve the problem with aid with the customer/user on distance.
  • when that’s not helping forward the call to planning which sends me in action.

Often i think should i call and try or just drive and fix?
Main discusion que is less or more then 20min drive?
Less? Just walk in
Try to call wile working on an other location on a problem so i can drive later to that problem or sent it back as remote solved.

What i try to say is remote support is a slippery job. Which i never wanted to do. (yes step in when asked to help out but not the full package.)
G.I.= G.O. Is also true in this communication system.

Non the less i really miss @sgospodarenko on this forum as communicator and connection between dxostaf tech’s and us customers.
She or someone else should be reinstated as general “ask me first” if the experienced users don’t have a clear answer.



An overarching statement like “DXO Tech Support is Very Incompetent” seems like an over top way to title a post about one tech support experience. It was bound to attract people to pile on. It’s also, based upon my experience with DXO Tech Support, inaccurate.

When I had an issue with the lens correction module, DXO support was extremely responsive and competent. The problem was identified in testing and even though it was a function of how the module was designed, what seemed like all of DXO put a lot of work into troubleshooting and recreating the problem and addressing the issue with a new lens profile. Communication throughout the process and in the time between identifying what needed to be done and doing it was thorough and continuous.

I can’t recall a time I received better tech support than the support DXO provided me. And having worked in tech support, I can’t recall a time I did better. While I understand the frustration of a support issue not being handled to someone’s satisfaction, an overarching statement that DXO Tech Support is incompetent isn’t accurate or fair.

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What can I say? I was very frustrated. I apologized to them, but please, dogpile away on me if it’ll make you feel better.

Its not just here the problems are expressed but every forum covering DXO have seen a regrettable need in users and former users expressing there dissatisfaction. Its noticeable how much many former participants of this forum and others have largely withdrawn from activity to a great extent I suspect due to frustration of being largely ignored by DXO. In part the competing programs have overtaken PL in many area’s but the main problem I feel if the relationship between those active on line and there management. Many participants here have expressed in detail issues that they feel need addressing, your self and others in problems with DXOs attempt at creating a data management part to the program. There have been long running problems in simple refusal to implement simple things like version numbering to updated programs, they did it but for a short time then… Saying what bug fixes as you say have been done, I found out one of my ones had been fixed months after it had been done as no one told me that bit had been done. At times I don’t think support even know themselves what the developers have fixed. So I don’t think its just us largely left out of the loop often. I contrast all this with Affinity (as it was anyway), Syncovery, Photo Supreme and FastRawViewer all of which I have interacted on there forums and support. All totally different to DXO. This isn’t even covering the issues many including my self have raised about the way changes were introduced in V7 which have cost DXO a lot I think. There refusal or inability to bring the local adjustments back to the level of usability in V6 is poor.