Not exactly the same thing here as op, but I’m having license activation issues but I’m dealing with at the moment.
Just bought a new PC (Mac, actually.) The first thing I wanted to try was Photolab 7.
Immediately greeted by license activation issue. (I’ve uninstalled Photolab from all PCs on my house… But apparently DXO check for new activations… Doesn’t release old ones on uninstall.)
Apparently they need lots of info to fix… Computer Name, OS (and version number)… Problem is I’ve reset one of my computers twice this year already and it has different names… I don’t recall WHAT the previous names were.
I’m now being told they can do nothing without the computer name. They also cannot reset ALL activations for me. I was never told this was a crucial piece of information… It’s also a VERY bad way to track activations as OS reinstall can change this.
I’m at the point where I’m locked out of using Photolab 7 and support can do (or will do) nothing to assist.
I was planning on an upgrade to PL8 later this year… But now afraid that it will be wasted money… I expect to be locked out of that immediately!