Hi, having the same issue here. Except, that it doesn’t matter if I use Classic gamut or Wide Gamut in PL6.
I have attached a comparison.
I did an extensive comparison betweenn PL5 and PL6. I did 3 batches using a Fujii raw file.
-apply a filmsim (Provia) and export as jpeg
-apply a filmsim (Provia) and export as DNG “all corrections applied”
-export as DNG “Denoise and optical corrections only” and apply filmsim (Provia) later in Lightroom
I did that in PL5, and in PL6 for each Working Color Space option.
Then I imported everything into Lightroom.
-The jpegs from both PL5 and PL6 both WG and CL, as well as the export from PL5 “All corrections applied” (Aca) are almost identical (slight differences to be observed)
-The original Fuji raw file with Lightroom’s interpretation of Provia, as well as the DNG “Denoise + Optical” (DN+OC) form both PL5 and PL6 (WG and CL) are identical (but differ slightly froim the 1st batch, that is logical: LR’s Provia and DxO’s Provia are not exactly the same, no problem here)
-The DNG’s “All corrections applied” (Aca) from PL6, both WG and CL are off. The reds are way tooi intense.
In the comparison below,
top: left the jpeg exported from PL6-WG, right: the DNG from PL5-All corrections applied (they look fine, some differences to be observed (the green napkins are sloghtly different but nothing drastic))
bottom: left DNG PL6 Classic gamut-Aca, right: PL6 Wide Gamut Aca. They both are off.
From what I understood, the top right and bottom left should at least be idendical (PL5 and PL6 Classic), but in my very honest opinion, they shoulld ALL be at least very close.
NOTE the forum software messes up the colors as well!!! Please view the image from this direct download: