DXO PL 6.10 and older GPU’s


I use an Nvidia GTX 1050ti on my aging Windows 10 machine. It is a much less powerful card than your GTX 1070. In the Tech Power Up database your card has 215% of the processing power of mine.

I have had no difficulties processing DeepPRIME or DeepPRIME XD with my card. The performance is identical in PhotoLab 6.7, through 6.10, as well as in PhotoLab 7. Since my card is older and less powerful, my process timings are certainly significantly slower than any state-of-the-art card, but given the age of the card they are respectable and acceptable to me.

I regularly process DeepPRIME in around 13 seconds per single image, and DeepPRIME XD in around 34 seconds, regardless of which version of PhotoLab I’m using. When I batch process 50 images, the average timing is around 2 seconds per image faster because batch processing bypasses the initial startup overhead after the first image.

My files are from my 21 megapixel Nikon Z fc, and thus are much smaller than yours, however my point is that I see no change in performance on any recent version of PhotoLab. As a result I think I can safely say that there is no deliberate policy from DxO.

As to whether there is a bug somewhere, or your problem, as well as other users with a similar slowdown, is a result of some other hardware or software interaction, I can’t say. As for the latest versions of both PL6 and PL7, I can say I am having absolutely no performance slowdowns of any kind.


I am another one with the same problem. I’ve reverted back to PL6.7 for my day to day processing which always worked OK(ish). PL6.8, 6.9 and 6.10 always caused problems when exporting. My current system is a laptop with 20GB RAM and an onboard NVIDIA GeForce MX350 and that has been perfectly adequate for my needs to date. I note thought that the same DeepPrime XD image processed in PL6.7 using the Nvidia GPU to the full takes 26s and in PL7 which ignores my Nvidia GPU but uses an onboard Intel Iris GPU it takes 32s. Not such a big performance penalty considering. Sadly, to gain the full benefits going forward though I will eventually be forced into replacing my current set up with a whole new system. :cry: After all it is well past it at 3 years old.

FWIW, this thread spurred me to update to 6.10 (from 6.4). I made a full system backup first just in case things went south. I’m happy to report no issues thus far (Win 10, NV 1660S); my processing times for DP XD did not change. At ~39.5 seconds per Nikon D810 image I really did not want to see a worse result.

Well, all I can then say – make sure to use the latest studio driver.

My machine just got “5” in spring and it definitely has to serve at least til the end of Win 10 support, which is another 2 years from now. I’ve no plans to upgrade my graphic card – just for the sake of export …

To give you another idea …
@mwsilvers mentioned 13 and 34 sec with 21 MPx from Nikon Z fc,
while from my Nikon D750 with 24 MPx it takes 10 and 23 sec – with DeepPrime and DeepPrimeXP.

my 10y+ Lenovo W520 & NVidia Quadro 2000M takes 5 min to export with DeepPrime (PL 5)
Do I upgrade? No, not necessary for me.

i just placed a support ticket
old 750 ti 2gb but it worked fine till 6.9 and the EA7 did also no problems so it’s not in the age problem of GPU it’s something else.

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@Dankup & @OXiDant I have made a post here DxO PL 7 Painfully Slow to Export JPEGs - #8 by BHAYT where I have included a spreadsheet which shows the results of my tests which do not show the problem you and others seem to be experiencing.

I have included an offer to run tests on my i7-4790K but am only prepared to run two test groups of “problem images”.

My bad! I had searched the NVIDIA website for the latest drivers for my GPU and could find non. The Dell update program also reported all my drivers up to date.

However, seeing Wolgang’s comment I did a specific search for NVIDIA’s studio drivers and found the install program. Result is DxO v6.10 is working fine with my GPU card.

I had completely missed that I had to use the NVIDIA studio drivers update program rather than rely on the general Windows and Dell, update processes.


They were. Studio driver is a choice.

hy i didn’t test yet my export time because my first problem is before i can do any editing.
that video clip is about the first change after selecting a rawfile.

And about forcing someone to a new pc by a VERSION UPDATE a v6.9 to v6.10 isn’t a user friendly approach imho.
The giant drop in preformens is definiately a bug a miswriting codes. So i wait for now for there response and support reaction. See what they have to offer.

One thing is clear more people has problems in this area after v6.9 with DxO Photolab preformens drop one way or an other.
so a quick fix is needed.
Slower by older systems is fine but this is not a decending scale this is dropping of a cliff with no warning :crazy_face:

i have to act on some tasks of the wife: yep interieurimprovement. so be back later :sweat_smile:

Great – and thanks for feedback.

@Wolfgang but given the complaints here and in DxO PL 7 Painfully Slow to Export JPEGs I believe there is a problem (or are problems) which doesn’t (don’t) appear to affect me!?

This issue may take awhile to sort out given its seemingly random and, for some, sometimes intermittent nature. I have a small set of 7 files I use for batch benchmarking. I compared v6.4 (Win11) to 6.10 (Win10) using my dual boot machine. Version 6.4 bested 6.10 by 12 seconds, an inconsequential difference and nothing more than an anecdotal data point.

My GPU is an NV 1660S using an older Studio driver, 535.98.

@ho72 It is still not good to see a 12 second increase across 7 images but it certainly doesn’t represent the kind of issue that is affecting some DxPL users in this topic and the similar PL7.0 topic!

That 12 sec. differential could be much less with a more powerful GPU. The total times for my 1660S were 5:13 vs 5:01, so a small percentage time increase overall. The files used in the test come from various cameras and the average file size is 68 MB.

Thanks all for charing your issues and results.
A few days ago I entered a support request at " support.dxo.com".
Today I made a test with DXO PL 7, PL7 gives me the same results as with 6.10, it is:

  • 6.9: export with DeepPrime: 48 sec
  • 6.10: export with DeepPrime: 2min 42 sec
  • 7.0: export with DeepPrime: 2min 48 sec
    I am using a labtop with i7 processor and Nvidia GTX950M

Kind Regards,


We apologize for the current GPU issues you may be experiencing on versions PhotoLab 6.9+, PhotoLab7, and PureRaw 3.6.1 . We understand that some of you have noticed a significant slowdown with applications on old GPUs (i.e. possessing less than 4GB of VRAM). Please rest assured that we are actively addressing this issue and a hotfix will be available very soon.

To provide a little background, these problems stem from an initial attempt to resolve random black images and errors observed while using the AI denoising, specifically with DeepPrime and primarily DeepPrimeXD. These issues arose as the network needed to reserve a chunk of memory on the GPU for processing tasks. If it was unable to do so, the processing of the whole or part of the image failed.

To prevent such inconsistent errors, we introduced a failsafe during the initialization of PhotoLab in version 6.9, enhanced further in versions 6.10/7 and PureRaw 3.6.1.
Essentially, PhotoLab/PureRaw attempts to reserve the required memory on the GPU and, if unsuccessful, it defaults to processing everything on the CPU.
The downside of this is that GPUs on the lower end of the spectrum are disproportionately affected.
Furthermore, we regretfully did not fully anticipate the number of users this would impact nor the extent of this impact, which not only slows down image processing but potentially other computer operations as well.

We assure you that we will be reassessing this strategy rapidly and working tirelessly to devise an alternative solution that minimizes overall impact.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and appreciate your patience.

Best regards


great info !

Thank you, I appreciate your honesty and the details given of the problem.
DXO is great software with a great support team in backoffice.
Kind Regards,

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Thank you for understanding. I’m pleased to inform you that the fix for the engine issue is done, it concerns to PhotoLab Windows:

  • PL 5.15.1
  • PL 6.10.1
  • PL 7.0.2

I can confirm that the performance issues are solved.
DeepPrime export time is same as what I was used wih PL 6.9.

Thanks for your great support.

Kind Regards,

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