Also tried an other way to do negatives: I edited a DCP profile with Adobe’s Profile Editor and inverted the r, g and b curves in there. All I now have to do is to apply this “negative” profile and do some corrections on the r, g and b tonecurves, they are not inverted in this case. Sliders still behave the other way 'round though.
Again, this method works better on some negatives than on others, it depends on film brand, exposure and contrast (as always…)
I tried using the Adobe DNG Profile Editor (Windows v. 1.0.4) to accomplish the conversion, but there are no separate R, G and B curves to invert. All I have is the RGB tone curve.
I used Adobe’s DNG Profile Editor (v1.0.0.47 beta for Mac) and inverted the combined RGB curve. I don’t remember which variant (basic, camera or linear) I inverted. You might like to try all variants and save them separately and see if they actually produce something different, something that makes fine adjustments easier.
Note: The inverted profiles don’t seem to work in DPL…
Did new negative .dcp profiles and ran a few tests
Lightroom inverts the image, no worries here
DPL v3 inverts some images or parts thereof. Images taken according to the camera’s proposition generally don’t work. Images that are exposed with +2 EV will be converted. Images exposed to somewhere in between have some parts inverted, others are untouched.
The new profiles have a linear (no gamma) tone curve and it looks like DPL struggles with this.
The originating post is fairly old and some apps have added negative conversion features in the last months. This provides some choice of what one uses for converting.
The point here is, that PhotoLab can be used without having to resort to third party apps and to use other file formats than raw.
Read the thread from its beginning, you’ll see how to proceed.
DPL does not do anything automatically, but has all the features necessary for manual conversions. With a little bit of excercise, converting gets pretty straightforward imo.
Nevertheless, manually converting gets tedious if you think of converting thousands of images. For such cases, I can recommend Negative Lab Pro, which is a plugin for Lightroom.