For years, I stuck with PhotoLab and Lightroom 6 because I, too (pretty common refrain around here) HATED the Adobe subscription model. I thought Adobe was going to hook people in, raise monthly rates through the roof, offer less for more in features, and stop innovating for their captive audience.
NONE of that bad stuff I was sure Adobe would do has happened. Which isn’t to say it couldn’t start happening a month from now. Crystal ball predictions in tech are notoriously DOA.
But four or five years after Adobe went subscription-only, I caved, and subscribed to the $10 a month Adobe Photography Plan, because the feature set was good enough that I could see the value of subscribing. And it’s only gotten much, OMG MUCH more powerful since then, at least for features important to me and my images. The $10 a month Adobe Photography Plan is a slam dunk value for me.
Meanwhile, what I never would have expected: DxO has withered on the vine for me with their buy-it-and-own-it model. They have raised prices, eroded discounts and upgrade policy, and (other than noise reduction) slowed innovation in features I care about to a near-standstill. I’m licensed in Photolab 6. I still use it. I’m probably done upgrading it. I import images to LrC…
I know, that won’t work for your Fuji X-S20 Raw images for now in Adobe, Soup. Adobe marks Raw image compatibility for this camera in their software as “planned”, so any month now, I bet they will add it, because when they say they’re planning it, they generally do follow through. I’m sure you understand, as a Fuji camera owner, you have extremely high quality Raw images that require a total code rewrite for a very small market share, so it takes longer to get Raw file compatibility with some photo apps. Right now, DxO can, Adobe can’t, but I’m all but certain that Adobe will offer it for your camera soon.
…oh, after importing to LrC, I send it to DxO PL for optical corrections and noise reduction. Lightroom can do those things better than they could a while back, but PL is still marginally better at them if I pixel peep. But then I do my tone, color, and local adjustments in Lightroom and Photoshop. For me they are intuitive there. Personally I’ve never gotten DxO’s approach to local adjustments. The mileage of others varies…
If I were you, given what you’ve said here, I would seriously consider waiting this summer for the Black Friday (late November) one week sale that DxO has offered in the past, but note, these sale prices are weakening. In mid-November. Do a free trial, not of PhotoLab, which I would not be a new buyer of today, but DxO PureRaw that does what you need in converting Fuji Raw to DNG with optical corrections, noise reduction, and other basic tweaking, And combine that with an Adobe Photography Plan subscription. Watch a bunch of YouTube videos, concentrating on what masking and AI can do in Lightroom and Photoshop. A few years ago, I was allergic to Photoshop. There are many things users can do in PS that don’t require 20 steps that PS can do better than LrC.