Differences Win / Mac

I don’t use either projects or persistent history, so have no need for the database. I find it more convenient to just have the DOP files with all the edits, then I can transfer them anywhere I want, on any computer I want, at any time I want, without having to worry about conflicts and spurious virtual copies.

As for searching, I can use either my own DAM to find files by keyword, rating or Finder Tag, or Apple’s own Finder search for all sorts of metadata.

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Joanna, how many people have a copy of your app?

… so any edits you did on Mac are missing on Win and vice-versa?

How do you manage keywords? Not at all? Or do you use the .xmp sidecars?

Not many yet as I am still working on additional features requested by testers.

But, as I said, even without my app, I can use Finder and the Spotlight mechanism to search whole hierarchies for very complex predicates that even Lightroom couldn’t do.

I see my app as a convenience that simplifies the more complicated, but comprehensive Apple UX for searching. It also allows me to easily add keywords, which Finder can’t do.

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My main system is Windows, and I’m not a pro so every photo I edit for printing or preparing for a photo book I finish at the system I’ve started with.

My keywords I manage still with my local LR6.14 at windows system.

have a nice weekend

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